Ch 2. Joint Exercise

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It already been a week since...nothing much happen, I study...I eat..I train..I sleep, I'm living a life of an background character who doesn't have anything to do with this world so called 'story'.. but I didn't know all of that will change so fast

It was so sudden, we are to enter labyrinth in the Eastern forest...the labyrinth in called the labyrinth of was suppose to be an combat exercise with our class alone but...let's just say our teacher had other plans.

Since the day of our exercise is the same day as Class 1-A...our homeroom teacher decided...why not have a collaboration with them.

Bertold Cobb... He seems to be in a good relationship with our teacher, well...clearly they like each other but hiding it, but since I can see through them... That just speaks volume on how bad they hide it.

Back to the point, counting the numbers of the students of the two class we are to be divided by 4-5 members for a team, the names will be drawned from a jar, I was really happy that me and  Thomas are in the same team..but a if fate wants to mess with me we are also teamed with the main protagonist..and the villainess...look I dunno if this is even suppose to happen in the story! Now I wish i should've play or at least read through it before all of this, there not time to mope tho, when the teams are establishes we are given a task... We just need to kill monsters in there, we need 5 each..and of course we need proof of the kill and with a good luck from our teachers..the joint exercise starts


The lybrinth is huge...even with our numbers we can barely see each teams together, we are given a map and the instruction to not engage strong enemies that we are sure we cannot beat and so the search for monsters has started

Walking through the labyrinth's halls it was clear that one of us, feel like she doesn't belong... She sighed and quickly took the lead when we made a short stop

"I would've prefer if I was teamed up with people that I knew, but I guess it was fair as the professors had decided that drawing names will be the way of teaming up people...I also think that it was a necessary test to see how we can adapt with people that we don't know" The villainess Cassandra said, her voice full of authority but was hard to remember how this woman will became that person that will do anything to murder the protagonist...

"But ma'am, base on your logic? Umm..your the one who we don't personally kn-" I quickly stop Thom from talking by head chopping his head

"Shut up and let her talk..."

Anna is in disbelief and start to panic when I hit thom... She's too nice for this world...

"Ehem...just what I'm saying, If I may ask..can I please be the acting leader of our team?" She asked sincerely

"You already took the lead lady Windermere, so I'm fine with that" I answered her question...yeah it's better to be in her good side, I don't want to die when she turns..crazy

"Sure, yeah..we'll follow your lead lady Windermere" Thom also agreed

"I-I also agree! M-ma'am!" And Anna also agreed

"Thank you, but first you lot should stop calling me lady or ma'am..just call me Cassandra"

"B-b-b-but! Your the prince's fiancee! And duke Windermere's daughter! We can't just-"

Cassandra held out her hand to stop the panicking Anna "right now all of us are just students, even if we are not aquinted it still proper to treat each other's as equals right now"

I..I'm in in the hell is this woman a villain? Did her jealousy turn into grief or something????

"For now let's talk about what we all can do..our magic and our gear,so that we can make a proper plan when fighting monsters" Cassandra shared what she can do first "I wield a rapier and a dagger..and I can use ice magic"

Then it's thomas' turn "I use daggers and knives! And I specialise with trickery"

"He means his magic allows him to excell as a thief or an assassin" I added

"Hey! Not cool! But yes...that's what I can do"

And then it's Anna "I-I have a buckler shield..and a mace..I know healing spells and other support holy magic "

Then it's me...everyone is looking at me's when I, I'm the only one without magic in this group, but it's clear that the other two that isn't Cassandra knew it

I sighed the spike "I use a heater shield and a long sword..that's all"

"You don't have any magic?" Cassandra asked

"Don't worry about it! I've been friends with this guy since forever and I know he is one of the best swordsman out there!" Thom quickly tries to defend me

"Thomas is right! He was undefeated in our class when it comes to dueling!"  Of course Anna joined in

But of course I'm not annoyed with them at this...they just trying to make sure that I don't feel out of place

"sorry if that question of mine is a little bit rude...I already know that even without magic, you won't hinder us, you manage to be in class 1-B after all" Cassandra smiled as she say sorry to me

"It's fine,you dont have to say sorry..and you won't need to worry about me, I'll make sure to give it my all"

"Then it was settled, you will be our vanguard, you have a shield after all, me and Thomas will support you, anna will be on the back and make sure to support us with her holy everything clear?"

Everyone nods at her

"Well then, let's do this"


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