ch 8. visiting home

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A short Holliday.. where we don't have any classes and we can do whatever we want, I promised my parents to come home for this day... It's easy for me since our house and family restaurant is also here in the capital...but then

"Y-your going home?" Anna ask me "and here I thought the 3 of us can hang out since we have 1 day off school works..." Anna became close to me and Tom..she's been hanging out with us and also getting in trouble with us when tom does stupid things.. and I feel kinda bad that she's gonna be left alone here...her family lives in the country side so she can't just go home the holiday is only a day..

I sometimes wonder..this is suppose to happen by the story..I don't even know if I'm an actual character in the story..I really wished I play or at least read the story...

"Then why not come with us?" Tom said smiling

"Us?" I ask while looking at him full of suspicion

"My parent are out of town for business reasons! So there's really no point to go home so why not me and Anna come with you?"

I didn't tell my parents that I'll be coming with friends in my letter but...when I look at anna her face says it all she wanted to go.. looking at her I know  I cant refuse "fine..."

Anna and Tom rejoiced.
Dressed in casual clothing.. a white shirt and black pants. I walk out of my room with the sword Cassandra gave me dangling from my belt.

Looking at this sword made me wonder.. I haven't talked to her since I turn down the prince's offer..

After preparing I walk onto the gates so to meet up with my friends..and with them is someone I least expected

It's the villainess herself..dressed in a black frilled shirt and white pants

"Cassandra?" I said looking at her

"Hello there Desmond, it's been a while" she smiled at me "I heard that the 3 of you will be coming to your family restaurant?"

"Yeah.. At first it was just me, but the two insisted "

"Hey it's only natural for friends to invite friend right!?" Thomas said with an annoying grin

"Hmmm..if that's the case, then would it be fine if I come with the 3 of you?" .
. . . . .

Huh? She's coming with us ????

"I've always wanted to taste your father's cooking again, I still remember the time I first taste his cuisine.. it's on my fiance's coming of age ceremony, so if it's fine, can I come?"

All  I can do is sigh and think for it for a second.."alright, you can come"

Cassandra smiled at nu decision and thank me by bowing her head..but why is she coming with us? Don't she have any plans with other noble ladies? Or his fiance the prince?


The 4 of us would ride a carriage..since even if my house is also in the capital, it was still a long way if we decide to walk..also ot dangerous to walk around..specially that we have a noblewoman with us

Arriving at my house..we can't just to in the front door as the place has a lot of customers..we walk down the alley way where there's stairs leading toward the top part of the building where we actually childhood home

I knock on the door and waited for someone to open it..opening the door for me is my dear young sister..she's 15 now..and.. she look at me and everyone..and sighed "you said your going alone big brother"

"S-sorry about that hahaha..",

"Sorry Roxanne! I kinda didn't tell you brother in advance" said Tom

Anna and Cassandra bows there head too to say sorry for intruding..

"Well.. I'm sure mom and dad will forgive you so I guess it's fine, come in..all of you"

.... For some reason I felt like I'm the younger one in this situation..she's still very  strict

The 4 of us had enter our house we sat down the living room, and that's when my mother appeared Rochelle Roxley gave as a pitcher of lemon iced tea alongside a tray of glass

"Oh my~ you really did brought a lot of people with you" said my mother as I help her with the tray

"Sorry mom, I know I said that I would be going alone so..."

"You can blame me with that auntie hahaha" tom said scratching his head

"It's fine Thomas~ you are always welcome here in our house..tho I don't recognize this two girls"

"H-hi ma'am, my name is Anna Anderton..I'm Desmond's classmate"

"And I'm Cassandra Windermere madam"

"O-oh.. to think that my son would befriend the daughter of duke Windermere and the future queen of the empire will be here" mother bows her head elegantly, she's very used with having nobles as visitors "lady Windermere, may I ask a question?"

"Yes madam?"

"Well miss Anna here said that she's my son's classmate, I'm curious what's your relationship with him to come here for the holliday?"

"Oh, the 4 of us were grouped up in a activity and your son here-"

"Hahaha yeah that's true haha..that's why" I stopped her before she can give more that that...I didn't really told my parents about what happen and I also ask the school to keep it hidden since I don't want to worry them so much

"I see~ well, if you all excuse me, I'll be downstairs helping with the restaurant, Desmond come with me for a bit"


I followed my mother and when we are far enough she would whisper into my ear "so?~ is that Anna girl your girlfriend or something?"

"N-no, why would you think so!?"

"Oho~ she's very cute you know"

"No she's not...jeez, she's just a friend" of course...I half expected this from her

"If not then..." She put her hand over her mouth "you should stop before they kind out, you can't have that kind of relationship with the prince's fiance-"

"Mom! Please stop, I'm not in any kind of romantic  relationship or anything weird with the two of them! I swear"

"Hehe~ if you say so"

I swear to God... Can't this day be more faster?


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