Ch. 29 Gorgeous

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"――To lead the army to fulfill my duty... Heh, hehe, hehehe."

In the town square, figures resembling Servants descend. Countless wyverns fill the sky, far exceeding the numbers seen in the previous fortress.

"What's going on?"

"'Oh, thank goodness! We made it in time, Your Majesty! It's Servants! There are five of them! What should we do!?'"

"'Mash, protect Ritsuka! Don't let your guard down even for a second!'"



The white saint and the black saint face each other.

They look like mirror images. Their expressions are completely different, but they emanate unwavering light and unyielding hatred respectively.

The flag depicting a dragon.

The flag praising a god.

Everything about them is like the two sides of a coin.

"Hahahaha! This is ridiculous! Someone, please splash water on me! It's dangerous, I might die! Me!"


"Because it's just so absurd! What is that? A rat? A worm? A bug? Hahaha! It's so petty that it makes me laugh!"

The black saint continues to laugh heartily. It is undoubtedly the voice of Jeanne, whom they had heard earlier, but...


A loud, mocking laughter interrupts her.

"――What's wrong, Servant over there? Be quiet. Stop that annoying laughter."

Ignoring the black saint who mutters irritably, Gilgamesh keeps laughing.

"How can anyone not laugh at this! It's a masterpiece! This is the Dragon Witch!? Only a child accompanied by numerous followers would see it like that! Wait, disappear! Die! Laugh to death! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!!"

"G-Gil, stop!"

"What's the matter!"

Suddenly, Gilgamesh starts laughing—it seems the scene has struck his chord. His sense of humor is incomprehensible.

"――I see. So it was you. Gilles was talking about a bothersome golden rider."

"Hmph, you also have a guardian, huh? What about your father? Is the man with the tear-streaked face nowhere to be found?"



The Servant clad in iron dress and the extravagant Servant smile at each other.

"What's so funny!!"

"I'm sorry, but he just seemed so jolly over there."

"Yes, his actions are quite amusing. Forgive us."

"Tch... Well, never mind. I originally intended to lure you all here."


"――Who are you? The Dragon Witch..."

"Huh? You're still asking such a question at this point? Me? I'm Jeanne d'Arc. The Saint of the Flag—"

"You are not a saint! Not as I am!"

(Master, prepare for summoning. Mash, focus on defense.)


(Your task is to survive. Put everything into staying alive for now....)

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