Ch. 26 Dialogue

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"Wa, wa, wawawaa――――!!"

Marking a speed of 200 km/h, the "Golden King's Iron Horse" races towards the point where they sensed the magical energy.

A new sidecar has been added, carrying Jeanne d'Arc. With a total of four people, it's quite a large group, but the bike is an Noble Phantasm, so there's no problem.

"Why are you making such a pathetic sound! You should have received most of the knowledge when you were summoned! What's there to be surprised about a mere bike! But still, you're in the Ruler class, huh!"

"I-It's because there are certain circumstances and I'm not fully aware of myself as a Servant!"

"Don't talk! You'll bite your tongue!!"

"But you were the one who started the conversation, weren't you!? A horse at this speed is――!!"

"Jeanne-san, hold on tight!"

"You'll get used to it! If you get used to it, you'll be fine!"

"You guys are really strong! I feel like my consciousness is about to fly away――!"

"Keep your consciousness and don't fall asleep! If you fall asleep here, you'll be thrown off!"

"No way――――!!!"

My machine races straight through the plains, leaving even the Saint's cries behind.

"By the way, that's right! Doctor!"

"'What is it! It's extremely difficult to observe, you know! Can't you go easy on me!?'"

"As soon as we reach the magical energy, make sure to tell them precisely why this place is a Singularity! Also, prepare the necessary supplies!"

"'Why are you suddenly giving orders!? Do you have something to do!?'"

"It's just a trivial matter! I'm leaving my seat!"

Yes, for some reason, I feel like there's something I must do.

A certain "preparation," that's what this vessel is thinking about...

"'At this speed, it won't take even 10 minutes! Gil, be careful!'"

"Of course! Don't underestimate me as a Rider!"

"'By the way, now that I think about it, why do you have the aptitude for a Rider!?'"

"Don't ask foolish questions! The reason why I'm a Rider is obvious! It's because I'm the greatest king who sits on the throne――――!!!"

"'What's that supposed to mean――――!!?'"

I see, he probably likened sitting on the throne to being a Rider. A Rider who sits on a throne...

I understand now, there's no reason this vessel shouldn't be a Rider.

The Gil Gil Machine accelerates with full throttle, reaching its top speed, and heads straight into the forest.

With the self-defense weapons equipped on the machine, they sweep away the enemies gathered around the magical energy and successfully secure the leyline.


Consciousness returns to Jeanne, who was in a daze, and she lightly pats her cheeks to wake up. Then, she instructs Mash and the Master to discuss their plans and establishes a summoning circle.

With this, Chaldea's Servants and supply materials will be able to arrive, establishing a somewhat secure environment and a base.

The supplied materials are of the highest quality, including sleeping bags, portable showers, and even Emiya's home-cooked meals as special treatment.

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