Ch. 15 Comparison

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――Wake up, won't you wake up?

A voice echoes.

――Hurry up and wake up. I want to go over there quickly.

A striking sensation on the face and a voice resonates.

"Mm, huh...?"

Opening my eyes, I see a blue ceiling.

I sit up. My body, lying down before, is thrown onto the bed, covered with a towel.

"Where is this...?"

――Yes, I must have returned from the Singularity and then slept to repair my Spirit Origin...

...It seems like the First Order mission was successfully completed. If I'm here now...

I feel relieved. I slowly relax my tensed body and let out a breath.

It's good to know that Master have safely returned to Chaldea.

...The Human Order Incineration, caused by ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛, the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ Project. The overcoming of all impossibilities.

――Hearing about it and experiencing it firsthand are different shocks.

...To think that humanity has perished, it's the worst kind of prank.

Likely, no, certainly, Master will choose the path to confront these difficulties.

Since there is no other path, it's not an exaggeration to say that they are being compelled, but if they don't act, humanity will end.

――"Adults are powerless when it matters most."

Muttering. That's what the vessel says, claiming that adults are boring creatures, busy only with their own lives.

――I won't deny that. The narrower the common sense becomes, the more possibilities close off.

Dreams of tomorrow and shining futures are tainted by the rust called reality that tarnishes this world.

...Even my own life, it was as if it meant nothing...

(Hey, how long are you going to leave me like this?)


A voice echoes in my head, or rather, my heart.

Who is it...!? Who are you!

(Calm down and look ahead, will you? There's a cute little me right here.)

As told, I look ahead.

And there, sitting elegantly, is a beautiful beast with abundant white fur and horn-like appendages.

(Hello there, nameless King of Heroes. I've been watching your struggles.)


(Don't be so defensive. I don't intend to disturb you, nor do I intend to tell anyone.)

The voice is quiet, yet it carries a weight that sinks into my heart.

(I want to be clear that I really, really dislike you.)


(Yes, the golden and haughty possessor of Clairvoyance. Especially the Clairvoyance part is not good. It could easily drive me mad.)

(Normally, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with you... but you are an exception.)


(Yes, you. Your nameless soul, the soul that reincarnated into Gilgamesh.)

――Could it be...

Do it know or see who I really am...!? My own existence within the King of Heroes?

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