Unexpected Help

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A flash of bright blue caught Summer's eye as she and Leyla were gathering some berry's. "Hay, did you see that?" Leyla looked up at her friend with a confused look on her face. "See what?" She inquired with a tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow.

Summer motioned with one of her wings to the sky where a dark blue dragon was watching them with it's mysterious ligh purple eyes. Hay," Summer shouted up to the dragon. "What do you want? And why are you watching us?"

The dark blue dragon tucked her wings to her sides and flew down to meet them. "Woah, chill out. I'm not here to hurt anyone." Summer narrowed her eyes and gave the dark blue dragoness a pointed glair.

"Yeah right." She scoffed with a flick of her tail. "Ok fine! If you won't listen to me then I'll just tell you my name." She returned her own snarky remark to Summer. "The name's Storm," she said with a sincere smile and a nod of her head in greeting.

"That's a nice name, but what do you want? But why in the name are StarClan were you watching us in the first place?"

Leyla put a hand on one of her friends wings to calm her down. "It's ok, Sum, just calm down and let Storm explain herself." Summer slowly nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Well you see..." Storm began, staring down at her silvery-blue paws. "I saw two dragons entering the cave and I tried to stop them from going inside but by the time I reached what used to be the entrance, it was already closed." She explained. "Was either of the dragon's a fire fury?" Leyla asked her. Storm nodded her head. "Yes, a fire fury and a razorwing." She told them.

"Yup. That definitely sounds like Aggro and Cutter. But... how do we get inside the cave?"

"Winger could megablast it open?" Summer suggested. Leyla looked thoughtful. "Hmmm... we could do that, but it might be dangerous if there close to the cave opening." Leyla pondered to herself while looking back at the closed cave entrance.

"Wait, you guys know those two dragons?" Storm gasped out in shock. "And did you just... answer me?" She asked, still shocked. Sumer nodded and Leyla launched into a story about how both her and her brother were ship recked as small children and raised by a mother dragon.


Cutter had found a small cave on the island for him and Aggro to sleep in for the night. "Do you think we'll evrr get back home?" Cutter asks once he had returned from catching fish. Aggro sighed softly and stared down at her feet.

"Well... to be honest with you, I have no idea, Cutter."

Cutter sighed and his wings drooped. Aggro finished her fish and wrapped her small wings around Cutter in a comforting embrace. "We can't give up. I know the others will find us, we just have to have faith in them."

"But in the meantime, let's explore this island." Aggro then unfurled her wings and took to the sky's with Cutter right behind her. "This island is amazing!" She exclaimed. They explored the coast first. The sand was pure white and really soft. The grass was super soft and a perfect shade of green, the trees gave just enough shade. The ocean was a beautiful sapphire blue, the sun that shined off the surface making it shine like moonstones. There was also a small stream filled with colorful fish swimming around in the bright sunlight. There was also a small forest area with fruit bushes and trees. And there wasn't an eel In sight.

"Wow! Cutter look! Isn't this island beautiful!" Aggro said, rolling around in the grass, her red scales stained with grass stains and her eyes wide with aw and wonder as she took a deep breath and dove into the water. Cutter's eyes widened in fear as he saw Aggro's head go under the water.


"You better not scare me like that again." Cutter told her.

"Ok ok fine! I'm sorry for scaring you like that Cut."

The fire dragon came up a few seconds later, laughing and splashing Cutter in the face with water. "Oh your gonna get it now!" He yelled while using his tail and creating a small wave that crashed right over Aggro's head. Aggro gasped and spat out water as she resurfaced.

They resurfaced laughing. They dove underwater a couple times to feast on the fast-growing kelp that was down at the bottom. They went back up and did the normal things they would do. Talk. Play. Have fun in general.

Aggro blushed and looked down at her feet. "Your a crazy, reckless razorwing, you know that?" Cutter just smiled goofily in response. "Yeah, I know I am." He replied back. "And that's why I love you." Aggro said while giving the razorwing a shy smile.

"I love you, Cutter." Aggro says, blushing and giving him a kiss. Cutter blushed as well and returned the kiss. "I love you too, you hot-heded fire dragon." Aggro growled playfully and cuffed him over the head with a paw.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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