Chapter Seventy Eight

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"How's my favorite bride-to-be doing?" Ken asked, his eyes glimmering with excitement as he pulled Shehnaaz into a tight hug.

"I think I'm doing pretty good. I missed you!" Shehnaaz exclaimed. Ken smiled. 

"Hi Ken. Remember me?" Siddharth asked, raising his eyebrow at his friend mockingly.

Ken snorted, rolling his eyes. "Get used to it. She's the bride." He said sweetly. "Who by the way is looking hot! You do not need me to tell you how lucky you got."

Siddharth shrugged, grinning at him. "You don't."

"You also don't get to hit on her before me!" Kushal said, running up to the trio and blew a flirty kiss to shehnaaz who returned the gesture.

"Yup. You're fire personified!"

Shehnaaz blushed. 

"I do exist you know." Siddharth exclaimed, faking offense. "Also, that's my wife you are flirting with."

"To be fair, she's flirting right back." Ken observed.

"I know you feel ignored, buddy. I wish I could help but I'm sure as hell not going to flirt with you. I don't swing that way." Kushal said with an elaborate grimace. 

Siddharth smacked the back of his head playfully.

"Who else got here?" He asked, once Kushal was done rubbing his 'bruised' head.

"I saw Niki and Kratika with someone I can't for the life of me recognize. They were quite engrossed in that conversation." Kushal told the couple.

"I don't see Samyukta here. Is she coming?" Ken asked curiously.

Siddharth nodded. "Of course she's coming. She should be here."

Ken grinned. "We bonded pretty well on her last visit to the studio. She destroyed that relative of yours pretty thoroughly, and I got her Ice-Cream." He said proudly. 

"You were not supposed to tell him that, Ken." Shehnaaz reminded him. 

"I know she told you. Kushal told me what happened at that pooja." Ken waved her off. 

"Ridhi might be around. Be careful." Siddharth said quietly. "Also, if you do find that little firecracker, please keep her away from Ridhi."

"She doesn't need a babysitter, Siddharth." Shehnaaz whispered.

"Ridhi is here somewhere. There's an open bar and I have a fairly accurate idea of how that ends. I want my kid to be as far away from a drunk Ridhi as possible." Siddharth said firmly.

"Fair enough. I'll keep an eye on her." Ken assured him.


"Shots!" Raghav exclaimed, dropping the tray on the biggest table in the hall with a very audible bang.

Ken, Kushal and Siddharth immediately reached for their glasses and clunk them together with a loud whoop. Raghav laughed, drowning his drink in sync with the other boys.

"Pikachu. Come on!" Raghav whined.

Shehnaaz shook her head. "Strict policy of no drinking."

Siddharth wrapped his arms around her. "Can't it be a special day?" He asked hopefully. "We're all having fun. Everyone's--"

"Getting drunk out of their minds. We need someone to be sober.' Shehnaaz said softly.


Shehnaaz stopped him by pecking his lips. "I am having plenty of fun, Siddharth. I don't need alcohol to do that. I'm sorry." She said quietly.

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