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I opened the door and saw the girl who's been ruling my mind now-a-days. I looked at her and her face showed a shocked expression before she burst into a fist of laughter.

"What? Why are you laughing?"I was puzzled at her reaction.

"What's on your face? You look funny."Her laugh was so pure and melodious to me.

"What? Where?" I rubbed my face a little.

Her figure drew nearer to mine, as her right hand went up to touch my cheeks and rub it a little, I felt an electric wave rush through my body at her touch.

I got startled and backed away a bit. Silence prevailed the room.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean, it's just I got startled." I tried to explain my point.

"It's ok." She whispered.

I invited her in and she took seat on the sofa, I sat on chair placed in front of her.

"So what did you do to your face? Were you cooking something?" She questioned me motion to my face.

"Yup, kinda." I replied.

"What were you cooking?" Her eyes looked curiously at me.

"Btw it was a surprise for you, but since you came, let's have a look inside." I disclosed leading her to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a bit messy cause I was trying to bake cupcakes for the first time, actually last night we talked and she told me, she was craving cupcakes that my sister use to make for her.

So in morning, I called my sister and asked her for the recipe. She was suspicious at first but then I told her that I am missing her so she told me.

And here I was trying to bake but she showed up.

"You bake?" She looked at me while going through the batter and ingredients scattered at the kitchen shelf.

"Sometimes." I smiled at her.

"Can I help you?" Her eyes asked for my permission.

"Sure." I handed her another apron and headcap.

I looked at her as she was wearing the apron, she moved her hands back trying to tie knot but was in vain.

"Should I?" I neared her talking my place behind her back .

I hold the ribbon and started to tie the knot while my heart was thumping in my chest at a very quick pace.

After tieing the knot, I moved back and we both indulge ourselves in baking the cupcakes.

She is looking so beautiful in those dress, it's not like she usually doesn't, she always does and her smile makes her more pretty.

This is really stupid that she is busy with the work and here I am busy ogling at her. She really makes me feel those emotions that I've only heard and read about.

I wish I could tell her, what she does to me, she is just so perfect for me, she feels like a white painting that I will ruin if I touch it.

I am gonna mark this date, for me this is a special day cause we both are doing something together, alone. I know if my parents find about this they'll get mad at me.

"Let's put this in oven." She finished and removed the cap and apron. I did what I was told and moved to living room.

She followed me and we take our seats on dining table waiting for the cupcakes to be ready.

"I am sorry, I made you do work at my home." She nodded her head in no at my sentence.

"It's ok, I love baking."

"But still, if Nitya gets to know about this, she'll kill me for making her precious friend work." I chuckled and she laughed.

We both talked until the oven buzzer made a noise. I walked to kitchen followed by her. I put the gloves and turn it off then take out the tray.

Her eyes examine the cupcakes before giving it a satisfying look.

"Mission accomplished." She showed her thumb to me then I raise my hand to do a hi-fi and she did.

As soon as her hand touched mine, I held her hand in a light grip and looked at her with soft eyes.

She stared back at me and we both got lost into each other, I take a step near her, my heartbeat increasing with my steps toward her.

I look at her face closely, I was able to notice each and every feature of her face, her eyebrows, her eyelashes, her bambi eyes, her button nose, her fluffy cheeks.

Slowly my eyes moved from her eyes to nose then to more downwards to the lips.

Her lips were shining showing she must've applied lip gloss before coming here, all of a sudden, I had this strong urge to kiss them.

Her phone rang and she moved back immediately.

I groaned a little while she answer the call. How could I lose control, we are just teenagers, I don't want to lose to my hormones.

"I should go back, mumma is calling." She turned and was walking back when I grab her wrist stopping her steps.

She turned to look at me, I composed myself and said "atleast eat the cupcake then I'll drop you."

"But I can't sit on your bike again today." She indicates her dress and made a pouting face.

I chuckled before saying, " then we'll walk as always."

"Ok then." She took her seat on dining table's chair as I followed her with the tray that had cupcakes.

We both enjoyed the cupcakes together, it was really delicious, I have never had this good cupcakes. She ate 2 and I ate 3, her favourite flavours is vanilla. We used vanilla and chocolate flavours.

After finishing and cleaning everything, we walked to her house, I love these walks a lot, it gives me peace and happiness.

I came back as soon as possible cause tomorrow is my university entrance test and I can't afford to get less marks.

I was so engrossed into studying that I didn't notice the time until a knock interrupted me, it was 8 in the night.

'Who could it be' I mumbled to myself while walking to the door. I was so happy to see a familiar figure before me with some tiffin boxes in her hand.


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