Chapter 37 - Special Classes.

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One by one everyone was dispersing their way to the room to sleep leaving Adonis who walked to her balcony, and admired the night full of stars and a brightly lit moon, paving light in the dark, a breezy wind gently flowing her hairs.

While Adonis was basking herself in the moon's glow with her eyes closed, she felt a presence behind her but ignored and continued to what she was doing and said, " You know, it's really nice once in a while to gather around and have a fun games to play. "

There was no answer so she continued talking further and said, " It's very peaceful to just stand here and bask in the night's glory. I wish that, one day the peace will be forever among all the people in the world. "

Adonis slowly opened her eyes to see Prince Felix standing besides her doing the same thing as what she was doing, basking in the glory of moon with the gently blowing breeze. Adonis was still looking at him when he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Adonis. It felt as if the time has stopped for both of them and they were both mesmerised by moon's beauty.

Soon, Prince Felix was the first one who came out of his trance, averting his gaze from the moon and said, " I came to wish you and my sister Margaret a good night but saw you standing in the moonlight enjoying the moon. So, I decided to stay and do the same. "

Adonis smiled at Prince Felix and said, " It's nice to do so once in a while. Anyways, Good night to you too. I will see you tomorrow. "

Meanwhile, the entire scene was secretly watched by Lucas who was also going to Adonis, to wish her good night but seeing the scene in front of him, he was upset and didn't know how to react. So, he left the place grumpily.

With this, Lucas went next door to where the boys decided to stay for the night. As soon as the sun rays started to come out of the clouds, all the boys woke up and headed to their respective dorm rooms to avoid getting caught and rid any suspicion.

After doing their morning routines and taking a shower, both the boys and girls headed to the cafeteria, have their morning breakfast and meet others. Adonis noticed Lucas was avoiding her and seated elsewhere. Lucas even avoided talking to her and would change the subject to other stuff and person whenever she tries to open up conversation with him.

Adonis decided to leave this matter alone for now and decided to confront him for the same later in the day.

Subsequently, they all parted their ways and headed to their first class. Adonis, Tower Mage Lucas, Prince Felix, Crown Prince Zavier and, Asher went to their first class which was Creation - Destruction ( The Legendary class ).

Winston and Hazel went to their Healing Class while Princess Margaret, Princess Elizabeth and Cassius went to their shapeshifting classes.

The classes went by smoothly, As soon as the classes for Creation - Destruction started, there were in total of 6 people. Adonis tugged on Crown Prince Zavier's shirt sleeves and asked him, " Do you know who she is? "

Zay looked at adonis and shake his head in denial stating, " He doesn't know and further added that he hasn't seen her before either. Probably, she is from our neighbouring kingdom from where Prince Felix and Princess Margaret lives. Let's just wait a bit, the professor will introduce everyone with each other before the class starts. "

Adonis nodded her head in agreement and went in to grab a seat beside the only other girl in the class but before she could ask her anything, soon professor came in to class and started the first legendary class of the week. 

Professor: " Good morning students. I am professor Augustus and I will be teaching you guys the Creation - Destruction in this class. I am glad to see that we have 6 students here today. Let's start today's lecture by introducing ourselves and What attribute you guys possess! "

All the students, one by one started introducing themselves. The first one to go was Crown Prince Zavier followed by Prince Felix,  Asher, Tower mage Lucas, Adonis and lastly the girl.

" Hello and Good morning everyone, my name is Aurora, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Agelastos. I am from the same kingdom as our crown Prince Felix is from. My attributes eligible in today's class is of creation. " 

Professor nodded at all the introductions and then divided the class in 2 groups. Adonis, Lucas and Zavier in Group 1 (Destruction) while Felix, Asher and Aurora in Group 2 (Creation). 

Professor Augustus started the explanation, " Before I assign you guys any tasks or assignments, let's clear our basic agenda on why we have creation and destruction class together and how could it benefit you guys? "

" As we all know after destruction comes creation and every creation is meant to be polished, advanced and upgraded which eventually leads to destruction. It's like a never ending cycle. "

" So, it's important to learn both the classes since, you should all be aware of what destruction and creation is capable of doing and how you could use your power to your advantage and save the day. "

" Creation is entirely based on your imagination. If you imagine something for example a landscape or a new invention of something, you can imbue some of your mana and concentrate on it to create the thing you imagined. That's creation. "

" Destruction Magic is capable of being moulded into almost any Destructive attack so long as the user's strength matches what they want to cause, in some cases not even having that stop them. Destruction magic can be especially useful when you are under attack, one can destroy the attack strategy of an enemy. "

" Destruction magic doesn't simply mean that you will destroy the things but it also means like destroying the strategies, enemy base, destroying or reducing one's will power. If one has enough mana, strength and life force to carry on the task. " 

" Destruction magic user, always remember that your magic is just not for destroying only. Destroying an object's ability to absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to the naked eye, to use it as a heat vision or like an x-ray vision. "

" Destruction ability magic user can dismantle several objects into separate parts or element, disintegrate them and if it's a metal it can also be decayed with your destructive ability. "

" Apart from these, you should be able to destroy the weight of any object and can make it float in air, destroy the ability of any substance to absorb or reflect making it invisible. " 

" The main key point in here is that, you can reverse the effect of anything by destorying a part of it for example destroying the heat from fire to make it freeze. Basically, your power is like reversing the process before it was created. "

" For those who have an attribute of creation will think all the features. shape and every minute detail in your mind before you can create an apple while those who have an attribute for destruction will use their focus and strength to destroy that apple created by the creation user. "

" Destruction user magic will use the elements of fire to accomplish the task while creation magic user will use the elements of nature or earth to create an apple. "

With these information and instruction, everyone started creating the apple and destruction user started to destroy the apple. Once the task was done and finished, Professor Augustus gave everyone an assignment between Group 1 and Group 2.

" Following the task we did today with an apple, I want Group 2 to use their creation magic and create or invent a new thing which we all haven't seen before if you want, you all can go around the academy and explore for getting new ideas while Group 1 will be tasked to explore the building and will use their ability to destroy an object by dismantling it into few pieces and bring it back in next class. "

With this, we can finally call the end of our class. If any of you have any questions, you can ask them right away. If all the instructions were crystal clear, you all are free to go. I hope my classes were fun and enjoyable. 

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