Chapter - 15 Foggy Forest Part 2

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5 Days Ago :

Where am I? Why is everything so white? Let me walk a bit further. No matter how much I walk, it seems like I am reaching nowhere. It is as if, I am walking in a never ending loophole. After resting for a bit, I started my journey of walking again.

Suddenly, I saw Felicity and I started running towards him. But no matter how much I run, it was as if Felicity was drifting more and more apart from me. All of a sudden the surroundings around me changed to a different scenario as if I am in a forest.

I caught my breath for a bit and started exploring the forest. At least this mysterious forest is way better than the white light with no ending. As I was still exploring the greenery around me, I noticed Phoenix slouching on the tree to support the body as if it was fading. I immediately rushed towards the bird and called out Felicity.

I asked Felicity worriedly while coping up his body on my lap, " What happened to you? Why are you so pale as if you are fading away? "

Felicity warmly looked at Adonis and said, " Do not worry about me. I am more worried about you at the moment. Do you not know that it's your body which is in danger and is about to perish? What will I do when my master is in trouble? I am still holding out my body to save yours. I am a phoenix after all. I have to save you but the poison in your body is very strong. If it weren't for the contract between us, I am worried that you might have already perished from this world. "

Adonis silently answered, " Thank you Felicity for helping me out. I am sorry to get you in trouble as well when I tried to save the crown prince and princess. "

Felicity calmly said, " Do not fret young lady. Your kindness is the reason we met the first time. Don't you remember? After all it was you and your kind nature which helped me in the first place or else I would still be stuck on that lousy tree branch. "

Adonis laughed a bit at felicity's remarks and said, " Still I owe you this time but is there a way where I can help both you and me from this dreadful situation before any one of us perishes? "

Felicity laughed a bit at Adonis before speaking, " It's fine but if you really want to help us, listen to me carefully and do exactly as per my instructions. If you are lucky enough, we will both be saved. First things first, do you know what place is this? "

Adonis shakes her head negatively, seeing her response, Felicity added, " This is the enchanted forest where you first found me stuck at the tree branch near the border between your house and this forest which is also known as kingdom of Benedict. I am not sure if you are aware or not but there is another kingdom within this kingdom which is known as kingdom of Amadeus. I want you to go out there and find the king of poison. "

Adonis : " I am aware of the 4 kingdom in this world. I read it in an ancient book kept within our library. What I didn't know was that the kingdom of Amadeus is within the kingdom of Benedict. Thank you for providing me that information. "

Felicity : " Adonis listen to me very carefully, right now I am providing my power to hold your body and soul in one place in order to not be perished. I do not know how long will I be able to keep up but if you find the king of poison, maybe I will be able to borrow their power and cleanse your body rid of any poison. It will be hard for you to look for the king but you have to do it. Do not worry if you are unsuccessful, I will try a different method to save you. Meanwhile, try to be very careful and be safe. I might not be able to help you with it anymore since I am holding out to protect your body and soul from fading away. "

Adonis : " It's my turn to help both of us. I will be both careful and successful in finding the king of poison and ask for the help. Hold out until I get help for both of our sakes. "

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Where stories live. Discover now