Chapter LI

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2 weeks later.

Wang Linxue stepped onto the training ground of SR Company, her eyes scanning the building area from the lobby. The hallways bright lights, the posters on the wall and warm air that contrasted the cold outside. The sun barely shown nowadays as it was nearing the winter .

The air buzzed with energy as staff and assistants, young and old, eager to prove themselves, occupied different corners of the vast space chatting , introducing or doing what was assigned to them.
As she navigated through the crowd, her gaze inadvertently locked with a familiar young man who was previously looking at a poster on the wall.

" Do you know her Young Master?" A young man in a blue dress shirt buttoned up completely to the neck standing beside the 'Young Master' tilted his head, eyes raking over Wang Linxue with slight contempt.

" Yes, we have met."' The 'Young Master' looked uninterested as he turned his gaze back to the poster.

" He poured coffee all over me the last time we met. Such a cheeky little bastard after that." Wang Linxue exclaimed, pointing at him.

Gasp. " How dare you talk to him like that? How dare you point him?. Do you know who you're addressing ? !"

" Not you obviously." She retorted with her chin held high staring at the man. "Besides, he gave me his jacket so fair and square."

" Young Master, you couldn't have!" The man's eyes widened in disbelief.

The Young Master's eyes flicked to hers then his assistant's sharply. The man broke into cold sweat spurted an apology shakingly. Wang Linxue could feel the eyes on her and suddenly felt conscious.

Gossip was going to spread very soon and it wasn't like they were quiet when the assistant was speaking to her. She had to find Ling Zhirou and quickly.

Amidst the commotion, a voice boomed over the loudspeakers, commanding the attention of everyone giving out instructions. They gradually gathered in the room assigned to them, the talents standing at the center of the room while the assistants stood at a corner . Wang Linxue, curious but wary, positioned herself with them , observing the scene unfold.

In the room, about 8 talents stood and in the crowd she was with at the corner of the room there was double the number. She spotted the man who tried to scold her earlier and wagged her tongue playfully at him, with him responding with scowl.

A figure entered into the room stage with an air of charisma and confidence. It was the trainer and was that Leo Wu?!

A hush fell over the crowd as they recognized the familiar face, their curiosity piqued. Then the murmured started to become deafening. Everyone tensed up to keep their composure a literal legend walked in.

With a warm smile, he raised his hand, silencing the room. His features illuminated by the bright room he had entered, every wrinkle and expression to be seen. The crowd held their breath, eager to hear his words.

"Good afternoon," he began, his voice resonating with authority and charm. "Before we begin this remarkable program, let me introduce myself. My name is Luo Wukang, and I have had the privilege of gracing both stage and screen for many years."

A ripple of excitement swept through the small crowd as his name rolled off his tongue. Whispers of admiration exchanged amongst themselves, acknowledging the vibrant career and the numerous accolades he had garnered over the years both locally and internationally.

He continued, his voice infused with humility and gratitude.

"I stand before you today not only as an musician, but as a mentor, ready to witness the blossoming of new talents and guide them towards their own greatness."

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