Chapter V.

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Xi Jinwei stared at the girl before him who was now his fiancée. He was only twelve years of age but he had seen the darkness in people and crimes that haunt you in your dreams.

His biological mother was killed in front of him while they were living in a small apartment in the the suburbs in Guanang City.

He had no father in his life but he was happy living a normal life with his mother.

That all changed one day when their house was broken into. He was only nine when it happened.

Flashback( Violence ahead, read at your own risk)

He was sleeping on the his mother's bed that day because he couldn't sleep in his room. But after a while, his mother didn't come to sleep and he was hearing some noises so he went out in his pyjamas to check on her.

The scene he saw changed his life.

A man punched his mother dizzy but she dealt with it groaning and grabbed the killer's leg to stop him from going somewhere.

Tang Jinwei was frozen, with his eyes widened and couldn't move his limbs to help his mother.

The killer hoisted her in front of his body and slammed her head into a table in the living room with things on it repeatedly while his mother scrambled and writhed screaming.

He slammed her head in one last time with blood spurting and his mother laid still on the table bleeding.

The man limped to pick up the gun that had been thrown aside in their earlier scuffle and aimed the gun at the lady who was still moving weakly on the table.

Upon seeing the gun, Tang Jinwei's body moved instantly, jumping on the man and biting his ear as hard as he could while twisting and churning with a mad look in his eyes.

The man screamed in pain, bleeding from his ear and since the killer was stronger, he threw the boy off him with a thud.

Tang Jinwei felt dizzy after the throw onto the ground and the man pointed the gun at him.

Jinwei's mother saw the scene and quickly got her bearings together. She slammed the man to the ground while she also fell near her son.

She cried in despair and kissed her son and mumbled to him urgently, " J-Jinwei, I love s-so much. So much."

Kissing his bleeding forehead as he raised this head to look at his mom crying, " If I die..."

" No, mommy! You can't...please. We'll be fine",he cried wiping his tears as his mother kissed his cheek like it was her last.

The killer got up from the ground and moved towards the mother and son with his gun pointed at them.

" If I die, I want you to find someone, Jinwei. Someone you can love with all your heart. Like I do. Okay?"

Jinwei nodded his his head , tears pouring out.

" Don't forget that, I love y..."

But she didn't get to finish as two shots were fired into her head even though the gun wasn't as loud as a regular gun he knew.

The man aimed the gun at the little boy when police immediately barged into the house, breaking the door and moved to restrain the killer who attempted to flee.

Apparently, Jinwei's mother had called the police upon arrival of the killer with the gun.

But in doing so had made the killer gain an upper hand on delivering a painful first blow on her before the fight.

Soon after, he and his mother were sent to the hospital. The killer was sent to prison and wasn't given a death sentence for murder.

His mother died due to gun shot wounds in the head and the police investigated his family so he could have a guardian to take care of him . Very soon the matriarch of the Xi family came to find out that, her son had a child outside and the mother of that child was murdered.

As for why she was murdered, everyone had a gist why.

She ordered her grandson to be brought into the Xi family and his surname was changed from Tang to Xi making him an official member.

As for why the matriarch did this, it will be revealed soon.

Flashback ends

"But after five years, let's break the engagement."

He continued to stare at the girl in front of him carefully. He didn't know what she wanted.

After bullying him for as long as he has known her, she decided to change but not make it obvious.

Why? Did it have to do with their engagement or she genuinely wanted to change? What plan did she have in mind?

He was sceptical but as the saying goes, you keep your enemies closer
"Five years then." he raised his hand for a handshake.

Only God knew how much he would come to regret his decision.

Wang Linxue beamed and brought her hands to it. "En! Welcome to a fruitful partnership , male lead!"

"What did you call me?",he frowned his eye lashes trembled in confusion.

Oh shoot!

"Um, I mean Xi Jinwei",Wang Linxue laughed uncomfortably and rubbed her hair like a cartoon character.

After spending sometime with each other amicably, they waved each other goodbye , in pretense when Wang Linkai picked his daughter up to go home late in the afternoon. They acted as if they were cordial as part of their deal.

Getting home, she saw a woman in the kitchen preparing something. Not a maid though.

"Linxue, honey, you're home. ", she turned to them and kissed Wang Linkai briefly before going back to the kitchen.

This would be her mother. Her eyes sparkled at the lady and the woman looked suprised at her daughter's expression.

"Do you want something Xue Xue ?"

Wang Linkai just placed his hand gently on his wife's shoulders and shook his head.

"Go rest",Wang Linkai ushered his daughter to her room.

"Mm!",she ran something to her room excitedly at the thought of her having parents.

Wang Linxue plopped on the neatly made bed and closed her eyes in joy. Even though she was in another person's body, she decided to make the most of it.

She felt strange suddenly as if she was falling. She attempted to open her eyes but her eyelids felt heavy as if she was sleepy.

Opening her eyes ,she found herself in a black void and she floated around like a ghost. It felt very much like a dream. This was exactly how she felt before she entered the novel .


No one answered her and she instinctively moved around floating until she saw a man with long white hair sitting down in the void and dressed in ancient Chinese clothing.

She attempted to get closer but like a boundary was erected, she couldn't get any closer.

The man sitting there got up and turned and Wang Linxue got the shock of her life.

It was the old man at the bookstore!

"Uncle Lao!"

The old man smiled and opened his palm and a necklace floated towards her through the boundary and she clasped it in.

" Here is my gift to you."

The old man disappeared after leaving her necklace and Wang Linxue suddenly woke up looking in her palm but there was nothing there.

'What a bizzare dream', she thought.

Vote and comment on my novel. What do you think about it? How is it so far? I'm going to update on Friday so check for a new chapter then.
Thanks for reading.

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