Chapter XXI

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To all those who read , vote and comment on my novel. I purple you💜💜💜💜.

In the morning at six am, the dew of the day made the weather soggy and cold. Only some of the maids were awake and starting their morning routine of cleaning and preparing breakfast. A good time to get hot and go for a run.

Ling Zhirou was dressed in a jogging outfit and was looking very motivated with her warmup.

She jogged the neighborhood for a few minutes not seeing many people around. There were a few dogs barking here and there.

She had earpods on and looked like she was immersed in her workout. As an agent ,she had to be fit all the time. No slacking if you wanted to be competent.

She was distracted by the song playing on her earpods and when she was turning a corner, a furry figure brushed by her leg startling her. Raising her leg as she turned to look at what brushed past her, she harshly bumped into someone.

She wasn't light on her feet then because she wasn't prepared and flailed falling back with her eyes and mouth widened.

She screamed expecting to fall on the ground when arms wrapped around her to steady her.

When the fall didn't come she opened her eyes and looked up at the person holding her.

A chiseled jaw with thick sexy lips that were pursed were in sight. A trail of sweat trailed from the nice looking jaw slowly and Ling Zhirou got off quickly and was surprised by the person in front of her.

Dressed in a black shirt and grey track pants was a tall guy who looked lean and fit. He looked a bit sweaty and his hair clung onto his forehead a bit.

Due to how close he was, she was able to see his long looking lashes that had lowered looking at the girl in front of him.

He had very intricate but boyish features that made Ling Zhirou look at him longer than usual and her heart fluttered slightly.

The two red strings of fate hovered around each other teasingly in angst and suppression.

"You okay?" His voice rang out low and steady as he furrowed his brows.

" Y-Yes. Sorry about that."

"I'm sorry about my dog,as well. Are you from around here?"Ling Zhirou watched as the the guy crouched down to clip his dog back to it's leash and rubbed it fur affectionately.

" No , I just came in town. I don't know if you've heard of me though." Ling Zhirou felt that he was familiar and somewhat didn't feel need to hide this information.

(Why you trusting strangers girl! That's just stupid.)

" The new daughter of the Wang family. I guess the gossip has already spread like a wildfire here."

The guy stopped rubbing the dog and got up.
"You're Linxue's new sister?"

'Linxue? He knows that scheming b*tch?' Her heart felt a hard pang as she dug her nails into her palms.

She smiled and probed," You know her as well?"

"I... do. " He looked away with a pursed lip.

Seeing his weird expression, she dropped the subject and introduced with her hand forward , " I'm Ling Zhirou."

" Zhirou? You... " His expression changed to a surprised one. " I don't know if you remember me? Xi Jinwei?

Her round eyes widened as she recalled. No wonder he looked familiar, " Little Cloud? You have grown so tall!" She laughed and stood on her tippy toes measuring.

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu