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POV: Erik Carter

I can't believe that I failed math again. Now I'm here stuck in Geometry when I should be in Calculus with my friends! Ugh.

Although, I wasn't completely surprised that I failed math. I didn't study, like, at all, and I barely had time to do any of the homework. And homework is 30% of the grade.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when a girl walked in through the doorway. She was twitching insanely, and I hope desperately that she wasn't placed in the open seat next to me.

I hate seating charts. Especially ones that are alphabetical.

"Well, hello, darling! Name?" The way-too-nice-to-be-a-math-teacher lady at the front asked the new girl.

"Good *click* morning!" Why on earth did she just click? "Alexandria Colbin." She whistled, and I put my head on the desk, groaning when I heard the last name.

She's definitely next to me.

"Sounds good! Go ahead and take a seat next to Mr. Carter, there. Erik, could you raise your hand?"

I didn't raise my hand, instead opting to keep my head on the desk. Another voice spoke up though. My girlfriend's little sister, Jaimie. "Right here. Don't worry about him, he's a jerk." I could sense her wink.

"Thanks!" She clicked a couple more times, and sat next to me, shuffling a bit as she got comfortable.

Suddenly, she slammed her hand onto the table, and I jolted up to glare at her. She made a pained face, and was grabbing her wrist, which already had bandages wrapped around it.

"Ow." She whispered, then looked at me. "Sorry. *click* I didn't *whistle* mean to do that."

I raised an eyebrow, then glanced at her shaking hand. The tips of her fingers were swollen and red; probably burnt.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked dryly.

"Oh... um, I kinda slammed my hand onto-" (her head jerked to the side) "-the hot part of the toaster this morning."

"Uh, why would you do that?"

"I can't really *click, whistle* help it, I have tourettes."

"Hm." I didn't tell her that I had no idea what 'tourettes' was, instead reaching to grab my notebook out of my bag. I was determined to not fail Geometry this year.


The bell rang, and I shoved my paper, pencil, and calculator in my bag before standing up. Alexandria was also standing up, and started making her way to the door, a few steps ahead of me.

The whole class flooded out of the room, and I watched her turn towards the World Language wing, while I went the other way to the Gym. I had swimming second period.

I jogged into the locker room, throwing off my clothes to replace them with my swimsuit.

As I went back towards the pool, I noticed the girls' locker room open, and my girlfriend stepped out.

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