Chapter 7

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Harlee POV:

After the plan got busted because Jay didn't listen to Mal. The boys went to their dorm and the girls gave me the key to mine . Since it was dark I couldn't exactly tell what it looked like clearly. As I blindly settled into bed and my adorable companion cuddled close to me I realised that I probably needed to get stuff for Emerald, luckily my dad told me that he should still have a bank account active . I'm just not sure what to do. How does one go to a bank? He said that my name is on it but would they even let me have access to it? So many questions that are better left for tomorrow. With a sigh I let myself relax and took myself away to dreamland.


"AHH!!" I woke up with a gasp, confusion covering my features as I took in a blonde girl with light purple pajamas with a flower/star symbols on them. She was holding a frying pan defensively in my direction, I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" I questioned slightly amused.

"There's something there" She whispered pointing underneath my bed. I rolled my eyes at her and noticed that Emerald was not next to me.

"Emerald?" I panicked slightly, hoping I hadn't squished her when I was sleeping. There was a ruffling noise and Emerald popped out from underneath my bed. The blonde girl screamed. "Emerald! There you are" I said with relief. I looked at the blonde girl with a deadpan look.

"Stay calm, she can probably smell fear"

"Oh it's a bunny, just a bunny" She breathed as she sat down on her bed and put the frying pan away. "They didn't tell me you had a bunny" She tilted her head at me curiously.

"I didn't" I nodded, glancing around my new dorm. Yep, barfable princess room,  my side at least. Confusion covered her features.

"Then how did you get her? Him?"

"Her, and I was strolling down the woods, found her on the way over, asked her to be my companion. She agreed and now we're here" I stated casually.

"Oh" she nodded."I'm Ruby, Rapunzel's daughter" she introduced.

"Harlee" I stated simply, she probably already knew who my father was anyway. I pointed towards my furry companion "Emerald"

"It's very nice to meet you both, I have a companion too. He's around here somewhere, his name is Leon. He is a chameleon" As she said this a white creature moved from the bedpost and into her lap, changing his color to match the pattern on her pajamas before changing to a dark green color. I jumped slightly in surprise.

"Nice to meet you as well" I smiled politely before picking up Emerald from the floor and placing her on my lap. "So you're the poor unlucky princess that got stuck in a room with me?"

"No, I actually requested that you room with me. My old roommate was incredibly- well not nice to say the least so I asked for a switch" My eyebrows raised.

"And you chose a villain kid?"

"No, I chose a person who's less likely to have a stick up their arse than anyone here" She said bluntly and I laughed in surprise. Seems like this princess won't be so bad.

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly, noticing that the sun was barely rising.

"Oh, 7:15" she said in a sheepish tone, my eyes widened.

"Hmm, what time do classes start then?" I tilted my head at her.

"Ummm nine?" She chuckled nervously and I gave her a deadpanned look.

"Why are you up then?"

"I'm an early riser, I prefer to take advantage of my mornings" She smiled and I nodded.

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