Chapter 5

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Harlee POV:

Charlotte, Axel, Jackson, the Ever twins (Everly and Everett), Oliver, Madison and I were walking down a trail near Auradon prep as we got to know each other. We had lunch in Mad Hatter's Cafe but we got kicked out because Killian and William caused a bit of a raucous. After that the younger ones had to be taken home and the others had something to do, something about hair? I didn't really get it but oh well.

"Hey, Harls" Charlotte paused and I looked at her in a silent question "That thing you said about Hans, it wasn't just to appease Avery, was it?" I frowned.

"No, what I said to Avery was the truth" I sighed "I get it, my dad almost committed murder and he used a woman's naivety against her but he told me that after he had me he saw things differently" I breathe deeply remembering the time where I stop speaking with him for a month because I found out what happened with Queen Anna and Arandelle. I realized that the past is the past and I can't change it, no one can.

"You believe him?" Jackson asked, looking doubtful. I scoffed, I expected this of course. The so-called "good" guys don't believe in change or redemption. They prefer playing the blame game and dislike us simply because of the crimes our parents committed.

"He's my father and unlike some of the vk parents he is a good parent. He loves me.Taught me to be independent and to do what was needed. Told me that he wanted a different path than he walked because he was consumed by greed." I paused, staring at the ground, noticing the disbelieving looks "You don't have to believe me, I didn't expect open arms when we came to Auradon. You all rely on the past and that's what you all feel, the anger, the hurt, the resentment. But you know what strikes me as odd? It's the fact that you blame us too, we did nothing yet we're automatically villains" I stopped talking, my mood now souring. "I think I'm done with this getting to know each other business"

"Wait" "Harls" "Come back!" I heard them yell as I walked faster, seeking to be alone.

🫧🐇shift in pov🐇🫧

Harlee was walking towards Auradon Prep when she heard a small rustle in the bushes. She stopped.

"Who's there?" She questioned. Staring at the trees and bushes around her. She heard the rustling, Harlee's eyes narrowed towards a specific bush and she walked silently towards it. She grabbed the dagger that Jay had given her from her jacket and raised it. The bush shook violently and a pure white bunny jumped out. Her eyebrows shot up and she hid the dagger back in her pocket. "Hello there" she cooed towards the sweet creature. It blinked at her before it sniffed her outstretched hand.

The adorable creature then cuddled against her hand and she awed at its adorableness.

"Where's your family?" The bunny tilted its head and it was like Harlee understood she didn't have any. "You're alone huh? I know what that feels. I mean I have people that care about me but that still doesn't stop the empty feeling sometimes" The white fluffy creature nudged her hand again and Harlee sighed.

"If you have no objections, you are now my new companion" The bunny blinked at her again and she scooped it up. She immediately snuggled into her arms and Harlee smiled genuinely. "Hmmm, now what to name you, Charlie?" The bunny's nose crinkled and so did hers. "Definitely not, too human.. Snow? Nope that's already taken" Harlee frowned in thought staring at her. Her emerald eyes staring back at her. She gasped " Emerald" Emerald seemed to smile at her and Harlee gave her a toothy grin. "Brilliant, now let's go see what kind of barfable pretty pink princess dorm I have"

🫧🐇shift to Harlee's Pov🐇🫧

I was walking around Auradon Prep, following the signs to get to the girls dorm rooms.

"Lee" I heard a relieved voice call. I turned around and saw Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos racing towards me.

"Oh hey guys" I greeted casually.

"Hey? That's all you have to say. I- Evie was worried that- What is that?" Mal stopped abruptly looking at Emerald in my arms.

"A bunny" I said plainly.

"No really?, What is it doing in your hands?" She rolled her eyes.

"She has a name and it's Emerald and she's currently sleeping" I stated sassily. Evie awed.

"Aww she's so-"

"Hideous. Get rid of it" Mal finished and Evie side eyed her while I gave her an offended look.

"How dare you insult her?! She's adorable and she's my new companion and I'm keeping her" Mal gave me an annoyed look and I stared right back.

"Why don't we let her keep the bunny? It's" "She" I corrected Jay. "She isn't going to do anything, what's the harm?" I smiled brightly at Jay while Mal scoffed and crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Fine,whatever, you can keep it"

"Her" I corrected and she responded with a look.

"Can I pet her H?" Evie asked with puppy eyes. I nodded with a smile.

"Go ahead E, but careful not to wake her up" She nodded and softly pet Emerald "So soft" Evie whispered excitedly.

"I know right" Me and Evie continued to coo over Emerald and I managed to get Carlos and Jay to touch her when Mal cleared her throat.

"Guys! Are you forgetting something?" She asked with blatant annoyance.

"Aww Mal, you wanna pet her too?" I teased. Mal looked at Emerald with disgust and shook her head.

"Absolutely not, I was talking about our mission" Jay, Carlos, Evie and I, all blinked at her.

"The wand" she whispered harshly.

"Ohhh" "I forgot about that" "I don't really care"We all spoke.

"Come on, we found Harlee so let's go back to the dorms and make a plan" We were walking towards the guys dorm when I saw Oliver and Hazel walking out from one of the rooms whispering to one another. They jumped when they noticed us.

"Harlee! Hey, what's up?" I glanced at Hazel suspiciously.

"Not much, considering we spoke approximately forty five minutes ago" I pointed out.

"Oh well" she stammered, seeming to look at Oliver for help.

"You have a bunny and new friends" Oliver said, looking at the fluffy white bunny in my arms.

"Oh these are the other vk's I told you about. Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. This is Emerald, she's my new companion. I found her when I walking in the woods"

"Nice to meet you I'm Hazel, that's Oliver we're Harlee's cousin. Two of them, at least" She waved at my friends "Your bunny is adorable" Hazel cooed.

"Very cute indeed" Oliver paused "We'll see you later Harls, nice to meet you all" He spoke, grabbing Hazel's arm and they both ran away. I frowned

"What just happened?" I asked no one in particular.

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