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Chapter Twenty Three - Healing

Noah Jackson's P.O.V.

I'm in the safe house again and there's so much noise, booming and roaring at such a volume it hurts my ears. The place is packed with people, faces blurry, and it's suffocating me but through it all I still manage to pinpoint her voice. Faye.

"Noah!" She screams and it echoes as I sprint to find her. "Noah! Please help me!"

"Faye! Where are you?!" I yell and suddenly everything is silent, as if my voice stopped it all.

But then my worst nightmare begins. The noise picks up again but this time it's sounds of Faye crying, sounds of gunshots, of pained groans and whimpers. It feels like I'm going insane because it sounds like someone's hurting the love of my life.

I walk into the room only to find her bleeding out onto the floor. Gasping for air I rush forward but it's too late, she's gone. I've never felt heartache like this before but seeing the warmth disappear from her brown eyes urges me to find a gun and follow her out of this damn place. The room tips on its axis and the far side wall is now where the ceiling was. I manage to make it out but every room I stumble into I find Faye dying a gruesome, painful death.

"I'm so sorry Faye." I croak hoarsely.

"Why didn't you protect me Noah?"

"Why did you let them hurt me?"

"Why did you let me die?"

I sob in agony as I clutch my hair, her voice echoing all around me etched in disappointment and anger. The room stops spinning and everything is silent once more but I can hear someone crying softly. Faye. Following the noise I get to the end of the hallway, turn the corner only for my heart to drop to my stomach at the sight in front of me. Ryan standing with Faye on her knees facing me, her hair wrapped tightly around his wrist as he holds a knife against her neck.

"No." I breathe as I start running towards her but the room stretches and it's like I'm going nowhere. "No! Let her go!"

"I love you Noah." She whispers with a smile as if she's accepted her fate.

"No! Faye, don't leave me!" I roar and just as Ryan digs the blade into her neck and jerks his arm back the ground opens underneath me.

I wake up heaving, struggling for a few minutes to get air into my lungs. My body is slick with disgusting sweat but I ignore it as I run upstairs, nausea swirling tumultuously until I reach the bedroom's door where Faye sleeps. I always leave the door open just in case and I slump against the frame when I find her sleeping soundly. Breathing. Alive.

I rush to the bathroom down the hallway and empty last night's dinner into the toilet, gasping for air but not finding any. My vision darkens as my heart races in panic, probably wondering what's wrong with me. You and me both buddy, I think to myself. I flush everything down before brushing my teeth and getting into the shower, all this my usual routine ever since the night Ryan was caught.

I make quick work of scrubbing the remnants of the nightmare off my body before wrapping a towel around my hips and leaving. My brain chants Faye's name like a prayer and I can't help but go back to her to ensure one more time that she's alright.

Soft snores escape her as dark strands of hair fall across her face. Her arm is stretched out across the bed to where I should be and the sight breaks my heart. Using my index finger, I sweep her hair away from her face and she sighs softly.

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