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Chapter Seventeen - Wedding Bells

The Next Day.

I look out onto the sprawling gardens of the hotel with a glum expression as I smooth my hands over my white wedding dress. It's all decorated beautifully with guests dressed to the nines as they start making their way to their seats but the sight makes my heart race with nervousness. The whole morning was spent trying to find a way out of this place but there are men placed at every possible exit, guarding me as if I'm some precious cargo. I don't know where my brother or Noah are...if they're even coming to help me.

Three harsh knocks echo and my head whips in the door's direction. "Faye. Come on...it's time."

With a deep breath I cross the room and step outside, coming face to face with the man that was supposed to protect me. He extends his arm for me to loop mine through and I hesitate, shooting him a pleading expression as tears brim my eyes but he only glares at me warningly. Looking up and down the hallway I find it littered with security ready to act if I so much as step a foot out of line. My shoulders droop as I grasp my father's arm and the doors are opened for us.

"Dad..." I trail off as soon as he shoots me a harsh look.

My gaze wanders over the crowd of people and everyone stares back at me oblivious as to what's really happening. Or maybe they're aware. I don't even know anymore. Ryan takes my hands in his as soon as I'm at the altar and I wince at the tight grip he encases them in. He only smirks in response and I dig my nails into his skin as a warning which makes that gleam of smugness instantly disappear.

Throughout the ceremony I'm numb and barely paying attention, still thinking of ways that I can escape. But the second I find a route that I could perhaps sprint towards a man dressed in black positions himself on it as a barrier. As if to taunt me. My grip loosens several times throughout this and Ryan squeezing my hands painfully acts as another reminder not to try anything.

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." The officiant says making me steel my nerves and open my mouth, deciding that I'll just need to object myself but a commotion stops me.

"We object!" I look towards the staircase I came down from and my jaw drops at the sight of Noah and Abel sprinting down to us.

"Security! Stop them!" My dad roars as he rushes forward while Oliver encourages the officiant to keep going.

"She's being forced!" Abel yells as he tackles our father to the ground.

"Dad!" Ryan seethes and I cry out when he tries to pull me against him, his nails digging into my skin.

"Let go, Ryan!" I grunt as I kick his shin just as Noah lands a mean punch to his cheekbone.

"Get your fucking hands off my girl!" He thunders as he pulls me behind him.

"Faye...is it true? Why didn't you say so?!" The officiant asks with brows furrowed in concern.

"Dad told me you were in on it...that nobody would help me." I reply weakly and his expression grows more appalled.

"Nonsense!" He shakes his head before glancing up at the crowd. "We should call -"

"We're getting out of here now, let's go Faye!" Noah pulls on my hand just as I notice a surge of police rushing out from the hotel.

Noah guides me around the building and inside, hurriedly rushing through various hallways but having to change course multiple times before we're sprinting down the driveway and out onto the road. I curse the stupid death traps that are called heels while I run and am relieved when he finally pulls me around a corner before unlocking a car. I notice Abel catch up to us and smile at him as I get in only for it to be replaced by confusion when he shuts my door and leans against the car instead.

His FairyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя