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Chapter Eighteen - Action Plan

Noah Jackson's P.O.V.

I take a seat next to Faye in Hunter's home office while he closes the door behind Roman. Everyone had finished breakfast and the girls wanted to spend some time with Faye so I had signaled to my brothers that we needed to discuss before Faye left with them. I had explained the situation over the phone briefly before coming yesterday and Hunter pulled in Roman too for his advice.

"Noah told me a little bit about what's going on but can you explain further Faye?" Hunter asks and I nod at her reassuringly when she glances at me with an unsure look.

She delves into the events that have occurred while I add in a few things she misses. I watch as my brother's expressions switch from concerned to furious within seconds. Roman's eyes dart to mine when she mentions that her father knows about me and isn't the biggest fan. Because of how fast things progressed we didn't have time to get Ryder involved either with a new partnership.

My phone buzzing with a text notification diverts my attention though and I scowl at what Abel has messaged me with.

"How could they think of going through with this?!" Hunter snaps once she finishes. "That's fucking illegal!"

"But common even in this day and age." Roman sighs heavily before shooting Faye a reassuring look. "We'll make sure they're dealt with Faye, you have our word."

"Thank you." She smiles gratefully before her eyes flicker from me to Hunter. "I imagine I'm going to have to appear in court when we open this case. I don't have much evidence apart from a few recordings of my dad...I had a feeling that he wouldn't budge."

"Abel got the police involved the day of her...wedding...so they know that Faye was being forced. She just needs to provide an official statement as soon as possible." I add before curling my hand around her knee to stop her from bouncing it anxiously. "Abel also texted me with some news there."

"Is he okay?" Faye asks worriedly and I nod at her.

"He's fine but...Ryan is missing." I reveal and hear her sharp intake of breath. "He disappeared during the commotion. The police are trying to track him down but they're having difficulties."

"What if he goes back to campus and hurts us? Or someone else?" She worries her bottom lip and my heart goes out to her for being this overwhelmed.

Roman leans back and glances at Hunter. "I'd be happy to connect with Louis' team to keep an eye on you when you go back and Hunter here is a great lawyer with an even better team. We can assure you that they won't be getting away with this."

"I'll get started on the paperwork with my team. Hopefully we'll have a trial date set before your exams so that you can study in peace." He smirks and I watch Faye immediately become relieved.

"Thank you so much! This means a lot." She smiles brightly and her eyes are light when she turns to me.

"Thank you guys." I nod at them with a grateful look, feeling lucky to have them.

"Just don't stress over this okay Faye? Focus on college and we'll keep an open line of communication between the four of us." Hunter winks at her which quirks her lips.

"Okay, I really appreciate your help." She smiles sweetly before glancing at the time. "I better get going though so I'll see you all later?"

"My team is keeping an eye on you girls while you're out so relax, enjoy yourself and please don't tell my wife anything about this otherwise she'll go hunt down Ryan herself." Roman rolls his eyes playfully which makes us all laugh.

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