Chapter 40

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AN: Recently, I have been searching for horror podcasts to listen to. Yesterday, I just found out that there is a call for Cthulhu and Lovecraft mythos-based podcasts and I'm looking forward to listening to it.

If anyone is interested, it's called Malevolent.

Chapter 40: The Iceberg Lounge Incident (part 1)

     If Jonas knows what information broker Oracle is thinking about him right now, he would be amused. She would be partly right and wrong at the same time.

Partly right because Theodore Morrison is a disguise of Jonas Cane. But right now, Theodore Morrison is as real as he can be in the Iceberg Lounge. He exists in this place. One of the waiters at the restaurant is part of the Iceberg Lounge.

After arriving near the iceberg lounge, Jonas has changed Marionette Henchman from becoming the Archivist and returning to the identity of Theodore Morrison.

The Archivist's vigilante clothes are stuck inside the painting and he also took out some simple second-hand clothes that Theodore Morrison could use to wear. Arriving at the employee door of the Iceberg Lounge, the guard standing in front of the door look at him suspiciously when he saw him bringing along the fabric-covered canvas painting.

" This is a painting that I bought an hour earlier for the Orphanage... I apologize Mister if I brought the painting here with me, but I promise that I would place them in the employee's locker. You don't need to worry about them being an obstacle. "

After acting timidly and with some convincing, the familiar guard with his face allowed his entrance to the employee's door. Eventually, he arrives at the Iceberg Restaurant where Mr Jackson one of the other waiters is very vocal about his tardiness despite being the Head Chef and Manager of the Iceberg restaurant not being concerned with him for being late of 10 minutes.

Mr. Jackson's attitude towards Theodore Morrison was getting worse. Jonas's dearest Eye Fear God has informed him that Mr. Jackson is a naughty person. When Theodore wasn't here, he deliberately spread misinformation and ruined his reputation to customers who were fond of Theodore and their colleagues.

Regarding his behavior, Jonas wasn't mad. Since he became an avatar, there wasn't a time when he became genuinely angry at someone.  There was indeed a time when he met Mr John Constantine and Jonas found that he doesn't like his rude behavior. But other than not being fond of Mr. John's rude behavior, it was covered up with learning that the man can do magic which greatly interests Jonas.

It merely interests Jonas, he has no intention of learning and wielding their magic. But even if he was even interested, he wasn't even certain if his Dread Gods would allow him.

Mr. Jackson's behavior was going past Mr. Constantine's. He was rude and also malicious. Of Mr. Jackson's insecurity and sabotaging Theodore, Jonas knows the reason behind it.

His eye fear god has told him that before Theodore Morrison came, Mr. Jackson was the newest employee. Unlike Theodore, he hasn't done well and wasn't exceptional in his job. He has made a couple of mishaps on his job. Compared to Jonas who has done things exceptionally and well like most of the customers, Mr Jackson was lacking.

Lately, some of the other employees were joking that Mr. Jackson would be replaced with a new employee. And he soon would be fired from his job. In Iceberg Lounge, there was only one way to leave.

Death is the only way to leave the job.

Being fired was tantamount to death.

Those talks of Mr. Jackson being fired or replace were absent when Theodore Morrison wasn't here. But when he came in with his exceptional performance, those talks of being replaced started appearing.

Other than jealousy and insecurity about his job position, Mr. Jackson feared for his life.

Jonas wasn't angry with Mr Jackson but he also didn't particularly like his growing malicious behavior. If he was still a normal human, upon learning of Mr. Jackson's circumstances,  he may sympathize with him.

Alas, Jonas ended up becoming a human the moment that he accepted the offer of the Archivist System because he was AFRAID to die.

Like him, Mr. Jackson was also afraid of death. But Jonas can't offer any sympathy even though Jonas also fears death.

Currently, Jonas was lucky when the Manager of the Iceberg Lounge informed him that there would be an important event that would be held at the main building of the Iceberg Lounge. There would be a lot of rogues and criminals attending so the presence of employees catering and attending to their needs are required.

Despite being a customer's favorite at the restaurant, when Penguin demanded that he needed additional waiters there, Theodore Morrison couldn't deny the request from the owner of the Iceberg Lounge himself.

Thankfully, Jonas has no intention of denying it. He was very willing to go there so he can provide more information to Oracle. He also heard from the other employees that Two-Face was one of the rogues invited by Penguin to attend.

After talking and relaying the information, Jonas turned off the communication device. Currently, he was inside the Iceberg Lounge restaurant's employee changing room on the male side. He has excused himself earlier to the manager to change to more appropriate clothes in the main building.

In the main building, employees are required to wear more fancy clothes. For example, the female regular employees are required to wear those bunny girl suits while serving the customers.

While informing Oracle of the information, Theodore Morrison was changing his clothes.  Unfortunately, there are some complications.

Turning his head, Theodore was looking at Mr Jackson who was looking at him with a face of accusation.

" You! You are in cohorts with the vigilantes! "

Despite those words, Mr. Jackson's expression right now is delighted. There was a wide manic malicious smile on his face.

" I would tell them... "

Mr Jackson murmured.

" I would tell the manager. Ms. Jay or even Mr. Penguin himself. I would remain here and you would get fired! "

Despite the threat, Theodore Morrison was smiling at him 'gently'. He doesn't look fazed or scared at all. It also entered Mr. Jackson's mind that this is the first time that someone was alone with Theodore Morrison. And it happens to be him.

Despite the gentle and innocent demeanor that Theodore Morrison gives to everyone, sometimes it would leak out that something isn't right with him which was one of the talks that were ongoing with their colleagues' gossip.

" Okay. "

Theodore replied to Mr. Jackson's threat. Turning his back, he was prepared to go near the door and open it. Mr. Jackson's heart was beating quickly, whether it was at the prospect of Theodore dying and him keeping his life or something else, Mr Jackson hasn't time to decipher it.

Placing his hand on the doorknob. Mr. Jackson was surprised to find that it wouldn't budge. Frustrated and there was a growing sense of apprehension on his unconsciousness, he turned his back and found himself shouting.

Theodore Morrison was very close to him only two 12 inches rulers worth of distance and he was holding a very disturbing painting.

" But I'm afraid that I can't let you destroy Miss Oracle's plans, Mr Jackson. I'm glad that you only suspected me as being in cohorts...yet despite that misunderstanding,  I can't let you go.  "

For some reason, Mr. Jackson found his attention drawn to the painting instead of Theodore Morrison.

A minute later, Theodore Morrison left the room acting as the usual ignorant and kind young man. Inside the male employees changing room, Mr Jackson was nowhere to be found.

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