Chapter 1

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AN: Yep, another Self Insert Fanfic again. This time, It was the TMA, The Magnus Archives crossover with Batman. It was a very amazing podcast. I listened to it again from Christmas to New Year. And recently, I have also fallen into Batman Fandom... And I decided to create this fanfic since I can't get it out of my head.

For those who don't know Magnus Archives, It was about a supernatural institution that deals with supernatural encounters related to fear of eldritch entities. The protagonist Jon Sims was the archivist of the Magnus Archives Institution and he takes the statements of the people who encounter supernatural events regarding the fear entities. Based on the podcast and Smirke's designation, there are 14 fears. The Eye, Stranger, Buried, Corruption, Web, Dark, Desolation, End, Flesh, Hunt, Vast, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, and Lonely. ( I am not good with explanations so I am sorry if it was too brief and short. )


Chapter 1: Archivist System

      Midnight. Within the secluded part of Aparo Park, a 12-year-old child opened his eyes.

       When the child opened his eyes, he found himself experiencing a lot of pain around his body.

       [ Welcome, Avatar to Gotham City ]

Then there was a strange thought that he can hear inside his mind. Is he going crazy? After carefully digesting the message from a mysterious monotone voice, he frowned. He can't understand why the mysterious voice called him Avatar, but he was certain that Gotham is a fictional place and it wasn't supposed to exist.

But then he wondered why he thought that Gotham City wasn't a real place. He was now confused.

The more that he delve into his thoughts, the more he concluded that he was going crazy or that something is wrong with him.

Aside from the pain that he was experiencing right now, it seems that he can't move his body to his wishes. He can only open his eyes and stare at the plain white ceiling until the mysterious monotone voice spoke again inside his mind.

[ You have been granted a new start and chosen to wield the Archivist System. ]

'Archivist System?'

The monotone voice didn't answer his inquiry and merely continued.

[ Please choose you starting Patron.

• Hunt
• Dark
• End
• Eye
• Lonely
• Web
• Vast
• Buried
• Spiral
• Stranger
• Desolation
• Corruption
• Slaughter
• Flesh.    ]

As he listened, he was growing more and more confused. And he was also starting to get afraid. His mind, there was something wrong with them and he was missing a lot of things.

[ Choose your Patron ]

The mysterious voice merely ignored his plight and he was starting to get annoyed by it. Nonetheless, he felt that he shouldn't ignore the mysterious voice even if it was just a mere hallucination conjured by his mind. Deciding to entertain the mysterious voice, he then asked if it was possible to get more information about the choices.

' What's the Flesh? '

[ Patron: Flesh
Alias: Viscera

Fear: Body Horror, Dysmorphia, Being killed for meat, Being eaten

Manifestations: Meat, Corpses, Blood, Bones, Butchers, Meat related industries, Cannibalism ]

The mysterious voice or as it introduced itself before the Archivist System then finally responded. After hearing the information, he grimaced.

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