Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Audience

     The Cane Manor is located in Bristol Township. The Cane Manor didn't have any nearby neighbors. The Residence happens to be the nearest to a certain forest. And said forest was used for the hunting game competitions of the rich people within the Bristol Township.

The Cane Residence is one of the affluent families located near Bristol Middle School.

Near a road at Bristol Middle School, a strange person was seen walking sluggishly and awkwardly. The person is as tall as an adult. The person was dressed in black robes and underneath it was a tuxedo and a pair of black shoes. Finally, the person's hands are covered by white gloves and his face is covered with a plain white mask depicting a huge one eye.

Eventually, the person came into the road just in time for a car to strike the strange person. The driver on the other hand was horrified when he struck something.

Currently, it is midnight, and the road doesn't have any streetlights. The Clouds are covering the moon and there are no stars in the night sky. Added to the fact that the person is dressed in black robes, and the driver lacking in sleep, it wasn't that strange that he wouldn't notice the strange person walking in the middle of the road.

The driver then got out of the car and search for the object that disrupted his car. But he was horrified when he learned that it was a person.

He was both guilty and scared. At the same time, he was also angry.

Should he call the police? Should he call an ambulance? What would happen to him if the person was already dead? He doesn't want to go to Jail.

When the driver was already contemplating whether to hide the body or not, the strange person suddenly moves to cause the driver to sigh in relief.

" Thank God... "

There were tears of relief in his eyes. The driver was now preparing to call the ambulance and then promptly dropped his phone when the strange person continued moving. But the driver was horrified when the person started to attempt to get up. The person should be severely injured. With broken bones and twisted limbs. The strange person dressed eccentrically slowly rose from the road. His hands and feet are twisted, and the strange person moving as if he doesn't have any bones on his body. Finally, the last stroke was the person turning his head to face him as if he doesn't have any bones on his neck.

The driver's eyes turned white as his consciousness disappeared and he fainted.

The Strange person then stared at the unconscious driver. If he could speak, would have sighed.


The next day at Gotham Elementary, Jonas was approached by Luke and hush whispered to him.

" Hey Jonas, did you hear what happened near the Bristol Middle School? "

Jonas's hand's clenched slightly. Ignorant of Jonas's plight, Luke continued.

" It's crazy! A teacher from Bristol Middle School has encountered a demon according to him! Pfff! It's funny, isn't it? If it was a demon, the Teacher should be already dead. I must tell you since the driver is told to be lacking in sleep in the news this morning, he must have been hallucinating."

Now, Luke wasn't whispering anymore but being loud. The other lackies, Rosalie 2 rows distance away from his seat on the left was listening curiously enraptured by the topic.

As for Damian, Jonas was surprised to find out that he was staring at Luke and him. Is he also interested in the topic?

" Don't you agree Jonas? "

Luke then asked him and Jonas thought of it for a moment before answering.

" It is true that he was tired and lacking in sleep. But since his car is damaged and has made a dent and there is other evidence, the driver wasn't hallucinating. As for your idea of it being a demon... Even that person is dressed like a cultist. I think that it is more probable that the person is a metahuman or an escaped experiment in a laboratory. "

Luke stared at Jonas in surprise.

" So you also watched the news? "

Jonas didn't bother to answer and merely watched Luke in the unnerving way that was starting to become normal toward his classmates.

Jonas then watched his classmates join on the topic and Jonas was pushed to the sidelines. Some have theorized that person wasn't a person at all but a monster, there was a classmate of his that suggested that it was an upcoming villain in Gotham, and there was one that suggested that it was an alien.

Jonas was silent in the enthusiasm of his classmates. He should have practiced last night in the forest and instead near the road. Possessing and controlling the marionette is very difficult for the first time. But ignoring that accident, by the end of his practice, Jonas thought that he have gotten better at controlling the marionette's body.

Thanks to the car crashing into him while was crossing the road, he discovered that he wouldn't feel any pain when the marionette suffered some damage. Eventually, any damage from the marionette would also recover given time.

If he wasn't more certain before, Jonas was determined to execute his plan thanks to the marionette.

A smile then graced his lips and his eyes crinkled into upturned crescents.  Jonas's classmates became silent when they notice his expression.

Jonas was more unnerving than the strange creature that the teacher have encountered.

The door to their classroom then opened and their history teacher arrived. The students came back to their seats and greeted their teacher.

On today's topic of history, Jonas was surprised that it was about the Justice League. Their History Teacher then asked them the 4 students who have been called into the Principal's office more frequently than the others.

Damian has answered all of the questions perfectly and even added some information that wasn't supposed to be studied for Elementary Students.

Meanwhile, Rosalie and Luke's answers were adequate whiles Jonas was lacking.

Jonas when it comes to reading history books yesterday has prioritized the history of the different countries than focusing himself on the history of organizations. He should have paid attention to it.

When the Literature subject eventually arrived, it was now time for them to read the short literature that they have done and read it in front of the class.

[ You have been blessed by the eye ]

[ You have gained the Audience Skill ]

[ Audience → A passive ability that serves as a special intimidation skill. Any person you keep your eyes on or stare at you would feel multiple people stare at them. The more they have an eye-aligned fear, the more it is effective for them. As your power grows as an eye avatar, the more powerful this skill becomes. ]

It was timely that Jonas was blessed by his Eye Fear God with a new skill. He also didn't let go of the opportunity to test his passive skill on his classmates.

Most of his classmates who were fine with sharing their short literature then gained a cold foot, started stuttering, or became nervous. There were even those that started crying.

As for Damian, there wasn't even a change in his tone as he started telling the short scary story of Grade 6 students going on a school trip and mysteriously disappearing on that said school trip.

Jonas's impression of the little killer started to lean more on the positive after Damian disturbed and scared his classmates.

Eventually, it was now Jonas's turn and he was planning to read his short literature. Red shoes are the title of the short literature which he adapted from Hans Christian Andersen of the same title. But his version was a more gore, horror and disturbing.

Jonas then started telling his story.

" Statement of ————— regarding his disappearance....... "

What came out of Jonas mouth was a different one than he originally planned.

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