3. Prima Futura

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The ritual was performed right there in the living room of the Ashworth mansion. No ritual room required. Unfortunately, it did involve a ritual knife, and quite frankly, I'd had my fill of those stupid things.

A silver robe was placed around my shoulders while the others in the room changed into the black and blue robes I'd seen the night of Brooke's initiation. I noticed more than a few women in the room with tears in their eyes. For them, this was a sacred ceremony. A dedication and commitment to the power of the Order.

For me, it was a survival tactic.

The lights dimmed and five candles were lit. Mrs. Ashworth stepped forward in her blue robe and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Harper Madison Brighton." Her voice was clear and commanding. It was the first time anyone had ever called me by my true family name, and my skin broke out in goosebumps. "We lift you up as Prima Futura."

Outside, a wind chime jingled. I felt a breath of cold air rush into me and fill my chest. My skin tingled as if it was made of glitter, and I closed my eyes.

"Prima Futura, do you confirm your devotion to the Order of Shadows?"

"Yes," I said, my voice barely more than the lightest of whispers.

"Prima Futura, do you confirm your loyalty?"

"I do," I said, my voice almost feeling as if it weren't my own anymore. Mrs. Ashworth lifted her palm into the air and my body rose slightly from the ground. The long silver robe dangled down to the floor below me.

The room began to chant in unison. "We proclaim you our Prima Futura. May the shadows enter you and fill you with their power."

Every muscle in my body tensed as I looked around the room. Each woman's shadow flickered behind her in the candlelight. The shadows took different shapes. A blooming rose. A tiger. A butterfly. A cat. Unique to the woman whose body contained the demon. Mrs. Ashworth rotated her palm slightly and my body fell backwards. I struggled against it, but I had no control.

Fear gripped my being. I should never have agreed to this! My hands shook by my side as I came to rest horizontal to the floor, suspended several feet in the air. Above me, the shadows flickered across the ceiling. The women in the room began to chant.

"Prima Futura, convenire partis potestatis."

The tattoo on my back burned. Shadows swirled all around my body, faster and faster. I was terrified my mouth would open and the demons would rush inside and take over. I clamped my mouth shut as tight as I could, but I couldn't close my eyes. I had to see what they were going to do to me.

"Introitus com studium."

The shadows gathered together near the ceiling. They became one large swirling mass above my chest. At Mrs. Ashworth's command, they swooped down on top of me, passing through my body like ghosts. I felt the shocking power of their energy down to the core of my soul. It was invigorating and terrifying at the same time. My body buzzed with their power and warmth enveloped me, taking away the cold breath locked in my chest.

I was lowered to the ground, my back against the floor. All around me, the members of the council kneeled and bowed their heads, as if I were their queen. I pushed myself up and tried to stand. I felt like a new fawn, using her legs for the first time. My body felt foreign to me. Alien.

With relief, I saw each demon still flickering in the shadows behind their master. They had not entered me forever, but I felt a piece of their power inside of me. I was tied to them all now, and I knew that nothing would ever change that.

My confirmation was complete, and I was another step closer to becoming one of them.

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