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"Introduce yourself."

I stood up, a little hesitant as now the whole attention of the class was on me.
"Myself, Sim Jake. My native place is Seoul but I was brought up and raised in Australia. I moved back here few months ago." I introduced myself in a confident tone as possible.

He stared at me few seconds before nodding. "Lets go back now guys. It's almost lunch." He addressed to his friends not before signaling me to sit down.


"Dude wanna go to the nearby Cafe? I heard it's a good one." Jay asked both me and sunghoon. To which we gladly agreed when he said he'll pay.

The cafe is near the college. Like only a 10 minute walk away. It's pretty cozy inside, with plants, books and a pretty music behind. I love this place already. But the cafe is already filled with students, but thankfully leaving one table empty were we sat down. Jay ordered our drinks and we talked about random stuffs.

"And that's how I was given the title of ice prince in my old school" Sunghoon ended his story of why he's called ice prince in his old school.

"You're like the loudest introvert I know, still can't understand why you're ice prince just because you skate. Isn't ice prince more suitable for the kdrama like cold, handsome, heartrob male lead?" Jay said sipping his latte only to earn a samck on his head.

"What do you mean?? Im handsome, cold and mysterious too."

"Sunghoon-ah even though we met few hours ago I could say what Jay said was true." Sunghoon gasped dramatically at that giving me a smack on my arm.

"Oh my god did I become friends with bullys!?" We chuckled at the drama king.

I took another sip from my drink. I could feel somebody's eyes on me. I looked to my side to see.. Lee Heeseung? He was staring at me but looked away as soon as I turned to him. He was with one of the senior who came today which I remember his name as Yeonjun?

"Guys. Pst. When I say don't look around too fast okay. Just look naturally." I whispered at Jay and Sunghoon. To which Jay looked around immediately earning a smack from me.

"Idiot don't look fastly. Make it subtle." I whisper yelled.

"What is it? Who?" Sunghoon asked.

"The senior guy from our college is here."


"Shush. To our left. Two tables apart. Don't look immediately!"

They both nodded and looked to our left as subtly as they could (which was not so subtle I could say)

"You're right. What was his name? The head of the department?" Jay said in thoughts.

"Lee Heeseung." I replied.

"Yeah right right."

We just decided to not mind the seniors and mind our own business. But it didn't last long as the Yeonjun guy started approaching our table, Heeseung closely following.

"Hey you guys are from HYBE right? Juniors? I'm Choi Yeonju" Yeonjun asked, leaning on our table.

"Uh yeah. Yeonjun sunbaenim" Jay answered awkwardly smiling.

Heeseung stood beside him with an emotionless face. Yeonjun had a friendly smile on his face.

"Oi just call me Hyung. Don't be scared we're just students like you too. I forgot your names, what was it?"

Yeonjun's aura was friendly. We introduced ourselves as we spoke with him, more relaxed, while Heeseung was busy on his phone, still beside him.

"By the way, there's no such thing as ragging, we banned it last year. Him, Heeseung was the college head boy that time and he was against it so it's punishable in the college." Yeonjun said nudging Heeseung. To which the said boy just raised an eyebrow and nodded, going back to his phone.

"Ohh that's great. I was scared about that.. like I have seen the bullying and stuffs from seniors in other colleges" Sunghoon sighed in relief.

"There's no such thing in our college. If you face any kind of stuffs like that inform the teachers or authorities or you could just inform us too. We'll handle." Lee Heeseung spoke for the first time after standing beside us. His attention now on us rather than the phone.

"But there will be other stuffs like ice breaking tho.. more like teasing and all from the seniors. As in asking you to sing a song or something or randomly telling you to do a cat walk? Don't take that seriously it's just for fun and bringing you out of the shell.." Yeonjun shrugged.. earning a hesitant 'I see' from Sunghoon who's an introvert who will not appreciate those teasing.

"Okay anyways we'll get going now. Reach home safe. Once again welcome to HYBE." Yeonjun smiled which we gladly returned and bowed at the two seniors. Heeseung just nodded in acknowledgement.

My Senior || Heejake Where stories live. Discover now