Chapter 29 - Future/Engagement

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- Mateos pov

Two years later

I stare nervously at my hands as Zaya sits in front of me.

I never thought I would propose to her this early. I just want her to be mine forever.

"Is something wrong Mateo? Is it your anxiety again?" Zaya grabs my hand with worry written across her face.

"No nothings wrong." I smile at her.

We're sitting at a picnic table at our park. I planned a lunch together and at the right time I would pop the question I've been wanting to ask for the past few years.

We're in town luckily this weekend. College has kept us away from our moms and it's nice to be back. I decided this perfect fall day would be the best time to propose.

Zaya watches me with worry and takes a bit of her pb & j. She's gone full vegetarian now. She spends her free time volunteering at a local shelter if she isn't hanging out with me. Which we do a lot.

We do live together after all. We have a apartment in Chicago where we go to college.

Zaya majored in medicine and I majored in business while I have a basketball scholarship. I'm the star player on the team and I have great chances of getting into the NBA.

I don't want to do that if Zaya isn't by my side as my wife.

"I love you Matt." Zaya reminds me.

"I love you more." I stare at my future wife with love in my eyes.

She's the most perfect women to exist. I couldn't ask for anyone else.


"Mhm I disagree." I shrug and take a sip of my sprite.

She stares at my lips then moves up to my eyes. Her brown eyes fill with care and love.

"Agree to disagree." She mocks me and shrugs.

I roll my eyes even though a smile tilts my lips.

She's my everything. My wife, my future, my fire, and my heart.

"Look!" She points to the left of her and my right.

"It's a squirrel!" She laughs and throws a bit of sandwich at it.

A tree ten feet away has a squirrel at the bottom, staring at us.

It eats the sandwich and slowly comes closer to us.

"Don't move." She attempts to tell me while moving slowly for more food.

I hold in my laugh and watch as she lures the animal closer. Her eyes light up when it takes the food from her hand.

"His name is Pablo." She declares and raises a eyebrow at me, daring me to defy her.

"How do you know it's a boy?" I question her even though she huffs at me.

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