Chapter 24 - Forgiveness

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- Mateos pov

My heart was broken. Then it was healed. Time and time again.

And every-time I got hurt, Vicente was involved.

Vicente slithers in like an uninvited snake. He sinks his fangs into my life and doesn't let go. When I think he's finally left me alone he pops up and fucks me over.

That's not gonna happen anymore. I'm leaning against his car in the parking lot waiting for him to finish football practice. I need to have a word with him.

Vicente kissed my girlfriend. He kissed Zaya without her permission while I've been suspended for punching him. You would have thought he learned to stay away.

Finally the football boys file out from the field. Among them are some I recognize. Drew and Adam are the star plays so they stay at the front.

Vicente's near the back on his phone. I walk towards the crowd. Quite a few greet me and I nod at them.

Vicente doesn't see me as I walk up to him. His footsteps heavy and a frown on his face.

I push his shoulders and he stumbles back in shock.

"What the fuck Mateo!" He puts his phone away and walks closer.

Before he can swing I punch him across his bruised face.

"That's for kissing Zaya you prick." I spit at him.

He clutches his face and groans. He spits out blood on the ground next to me.

"Yeah? So you came to beat me up because your girlfriend likes me more?" His teeth bloody as he laughs so hard he bends over.

I walk closer and push him to the ground.

"You're an ass you know that?" I sneer down at him.

He grins up at me and throws his head back hard against the pavement. He thinks its all a game.

"You sound like Marcello. Zaya was mine first and you god damn knew that. You took her away from me when I liked her my whole teenage years. You broke bro code and I got mad." He shrugs and winces.

"No Vicente, you'll listen to me. Zaya was never yours. Zayas always been mine, You never stood a chance against me." I grin down at him and he glares at me.

"Yet we kissed." He mocks me and I lunge down, grab him so he's in my face.

"You won't touch her or speak to her again." I grit. "She doesn't fucking like you." I let him go and his head hits the concrete hard.

"Fine, Just fuck off Mateo." He rolls his eyes but swallows hard.

He got the memo.


Zaya bites her lip and looks anywhere but at me.

"Baby we already talked. You don't need to be anxious." She's sitting straight up on the bed and three feet away from me as if I have a disease.

"You're not mad at me anymore?" Her gaze shifts away from me.

"I'm not. Will you just stop avoiding me so we can go on our date?" I reach for her tense body and pull her closer to me so she's straddling my waist.

"Date?" She tilts her head and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Yes our date Z." I rest our foreheads together and take a deep breathe in. Lavender and sea salt fill my nose in a welcoming breeze.

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