Chapter 19 - Tell me / Kiss

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This one is a real heart breaker and mender :)

- Zayas pov

I tend to notice things others don't. Things that bother me. I could give you small examples such as small freckles, a mole behind an ear, a slightly curved eyebrow.

I could also give you bigger things I notice that others don't. Their differently tied shoe laces, things organized in the wrong color order, an out of place fork.

These things tend to bother me. I've grown to ignore them but sometimes it just takes a hold of me and doesn't let go. Then I have these urges to organize or attempt to fix them.

I remember when I was younger I tried to fix my moms clothes. She wouldn't let me and I threw a fit right there in her closet. My dad had to talk to me for thirty minutes before I managed to calm down.

I'm having one of those urges as I stare at Mateos lunch. I'm out on lunch and Mateo picked me up. We're at his house and his mom made us some food. His plate is unorganized in every way possible.

He hasn't started eating yet but his fork is astray his main dish is touching the side dish and I think I feel my eye start to twitch.

I glance up at him. He's talking to Malia and not paying attention.

I swap our plates and organize his while he continues to talk.

"Yea no. He just walked in and ate my groceries!" He talks vividly with his hands.

I shove the main dish into a little corner and the side dishes Into their own spots.

I smile at my art work and lay the fork down next to the plate on the napkin.

"My crazy boy." Malia shakes her head at the antics of her eldest son.

From what I know Levon is an asshole. He uses his mother and brother for money. I've met him a few times over my life. Sure I hung out with Mateo my whole life but Levon was never around much. Always out with friends or in his room.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. Levon was a dick to younger me.

"Thank you for the food ma." Mateo says and grabs his neatly placed fork.

"Yes, thank you Malia!" I tell her and grab my fork also.

Mateo glances down at his food with confusion. I look away before he makes eye contact with me and take a bite. He stares at me with narrowed eyes before starting to eat.

"This is so good!" I say enthusiastically.

"Thank you guys, you don't have to flatter me." She places her hand on her chest.

"Oh quit it, you know your food is the best." Mateo says with an eye roll.

She snickers and continues to clean up.

There also happened to be another thing that bothered me. Or maybe a few.


"You make it so obvious" Neminas cloudy voice says from the kitchen as I was walking towards the bathroom.


"It would kill me to see you unhappy in a relationship." Mateo tells me while the crowd cheers.


"Do you and Vicente have a thing?" Mateo asks.


All of these sentences are starting to whirl around in my brain. Over and over and over. I can't help but frown in my window seat.

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