| part 2 |

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| Aurora |

"So what's been happening for the days I was out?"

"The Capitol got us. Enobaria's with them so they let her go but us. Well we are stuck here. They want information on some sort of rebellion but I don't know anything" Peeta explains. "Do either of you?"

"No, I was shocked and in tears when they told me Finnick had left to join some sort of rebellion" I say with a single dripping down my face. I really am an amazing liar, I think I even had Johanna questioning me and she knows I know.

"It's all Katniss's fault. She started the rebellion. She put us here. I thought she generally liked me" Peeta says getting angry with tears filling his eyes.

"Oh Peeta. I've seen the way she looks at you, she does love you. Even if she hasn't realised it" I tell the boy. I know love when I see it. Shortly after Peeta's melt down he feel asleep.

"What have they done to him?" I whisper shout to Jo.

"Trackerjacker venom on him. They wasted no time to skipping to torture. You might get pitty for being pregnant but don't think they will go easy on you" Jo explained glumly.

The Capitol have broken us. I didn't think they could break Johanna even more but I guess being a prisoner to the Capitol and tortured every day tends to have that affect. How have they done this much damage in just a few days? I was asleep for three days and it was enough to destroy the two 'victors'. This was not the plan.
No one was meant to be taken by the Capitol. They should have secretly given us night lock pills. If I'm getting out of here the second thing I'm doing is complaining. First would be find my family. My family probably think I'm dead. I really fucking hate the Capitol. I huff and lie back down on the blanket on the floor.

| Finnick |
"There's someone who wants to see you" Haymitch says with a sort of look of hope in his eyes. It's been almost Two weeks of me stuck sitting in this hospital bed. Two weeks. Aurora has been stuck in the Capitol for two weeks.

"Who is it?" I watch the door swing open as I hear the sound of two little feet running towards me.

"Daddy!" Caspian shouts running into my arms as I hold him tight. I'm never letting go. I'm never leaving him again.

"Hey Fishy" I look up to see Avanna standing by the door with Mags close to her side. Mags looks frail and weaker than she did before.

"Hey, raindrop" she may be 16 now but that nickname isn't going anywhere. I could see the dried tears on her face and fresh ones forming in her eyes, she turned around quickly wiping her eyes.

"Avy, you don't have to be strong" I tell her knowing how hard she's trying to keep it together.

"Someone has too, you're a complete mess." she half jokes with a slight smile. She was right, I'm a mess.

"I'm ok, now come here and give me a hug" I tell her and she runs over
wrapping her arms around me and Caspian. But something was missing, someone was missing.

"Wheres mummy?" Cas asks looking up at me. Tears prick the eyes of everyone in the room.

"Uhh mummy is in a different place at the moment, but hopefully she will be back soon"

What else was I meant to say? Your mums being beaten and tortured every day while pregnant with your younger sibling at the big mean Capitol. Aurora has always hated lies but in this case I think she can forgive me. That's if she's still alive. Please be alive.


A month has passed and they want to transform me into a rebel leader as well, but first they'll have to get me to stay awake for more than 20 minutes. Even when I'm conscious, you have to say everything to me three times to get through to my brain. The doctors say it's from the electrical shock I received in the arena. But I know it's more than that. I know that I can't focus on anything in 13 because I'm trying so hard to see what's happening in the Capitol to Aurora, my sunshine.

"Visiting times are up" the doctor comes in getting rid of my family from today's visit. Mags had a stroke the other week and has become to weak to leave bed so they moved her into the same room as me so she can be with someone she was familiar with.

Haymitch stays behind and sits down next to my bed, I could feel my eyes begin to get droopy. "I'm sorry I couldn't save her, believe me I tried" I heard him say as I fell asleep.

| Aurora |
A month in this nightmare. Stuck in the Capitol. A MONTH. I can't stand this anymore. Rationed food, with a glass of water everyday. Being injected with trackerjacker venom. Yes that's right. They decided to torture the pregnant women with their experimental drug. Yay me. They would take me into this weird dark room and inject me with the stuff causing pain to surge through my body. Then they would flood my memories with fake ones. It was getting harder and hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. At first I could see a sort of border but as I become weaker and weaker everyday the border is faded and everything is mushed together.

Did Finnick really abandon me in that arena to die?

Did Katniss start a rebellion?

Did I murder Casper in cold blood?

So many questions flood through my mind. Me and Peeta came up with this sort of game were we would repeat personal things to each other so we could remember the good in our lives. Praying that the Capitol wouldn't take our last big of hope away. Peeta has just been dragged back screaming after his torture sesh.

"Repeat your words" I say with little energy.

"Baker, paint, Katniss, breadboy, 12, Peeta Mellark. Your turn"

"Raindrop, 4, Fishface, Sunshine, Caspian, Aurora Odair"

We tried our best to make Johanna join in but she spends most of her time sleeping. It's exhausting in here. Joanna's form of torture was much more physical compare to mine and Peeta's. She was thrown into water and tortured with electric shocks.

"Aurora get up, it's time for your check up" the familiar voice booms.
'Oh yay! I can't wait'. I get an extra special form of torture on top of the trackerjacker venom. I get prodded and pocked with neddles and a bunch of other stuff to check on how the venom is affecting my baby. I just 'love' being there experiment.

I squeeze my eyes tightly shut as they come at me with different medical equipment I don't recognise. I hate this. More than the trackerjacker. At least with that I know it's fake. Yes, I'm not sure which is which anymore but I'm sure it's easier to solve that trauma more than my new fear of anything to do with doctors and hospitals.

1208 words

Sunshine | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now