| part 1 |

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I wake up to be met with a blinding bright white. After my eyes adjust from the initial sensation, I notice I'm dressed in a hospital gown but I'm still covered in a mixture of mine and Enobaria's blood. Please don't let this be the Capitol.

"Miss Nightingale, your awake" I hear a voice say.

"It's Mrs Odair" I correct the stranger in front of me.

"Do you remember what happened in the arena?" The unknown person questions me.

"I remember lighting hitting the force field and then falling to the floor in Johannas arms" I say slightly confused. What the hell is going on? Why does my head hurt so much?

"Do you know how the lightning struck the force field?"

"My guess is the girl on fire wanted the Capitol to burn"

"Katniss Everdeen destroyed the arena. She escaped along side Finnick and Beetee. They are now all claimed Fugitives as a result of being apart of a rebellion. It is vital you share any information you know"

Finnick escaped. He's safe. But I'm stuck in the Capitol pregnant and vulnerable with no escape. I have to stay strong and the only thing I can do is hope for the best.

"There's a rebellion?" I question acting clueless.

"Yes, and your husband was apart of it"

"What, no. He wouldn't do this. We both loved and supported the Capitol" I say hysterically crying. After all those years of telling lies to cameras are finally paid off.

 After all those years of telling lies to cameras are finally paid off

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"Take her to the cells with the others"

"Wait, wait" I say through my fake tears making the peacekeepers stop. "Is my baby ok?"

"Your baby is perfectly healthy, Mrs Odair. You were very lucky you only got a concussion along with knife in the shoulder. Nothing too serious"
I let out a sigh of relief that my baby is alive. For now at least. It's obvious the Capitol can use this against me.
I feel a needle inject into my arm as black dots stars cloud my vision.


I wake up in some sort of cell.
"Aurora" I hear someone shout.
My head snaps towards the voice.

"Peeta?, is that you?"
I mean it does look like him but the joy in his eyes are gone and they are now filled with pain. He has black bags under his eyes, as if he hasn't had a decent sleep in awhile. Was I out for long?

"Yeah, it's me"

My god. His voice. This didn't sound like the Peeta I knew. The Capitol have broken him. Katniss definitely isn't gonna be happy about the fact that he's here. Finnick. Shit. Does he even know if I'm alive. Caspian. Did they get him out of four? What about everyone else? My mind is racing with thoughts of my family's safety.

"AURORA" I hear Johanna shout from the cell next to Peeta's.
"Breathe" she tells me. I didn't even relies I was hyperventilating until now. "Breathe in 1,2,3,4 and our 4,3,2,1" I copy her breathing and wipe my tears as I calm down.

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