Chapter 92

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Little Lin Nuo was eating fruit, but at this time there were some voices from the downstream side, he turned his head and looked over, it was the sisters in white clothes.

This is the world of practice, so even such a young Lin Nuo has seen people flying around in the sky. He has long been used to it, because since he can remember, he can see all kinds of monks.

Xiao Lin Nuo also lived in villages and townships before. He could speak, but some children always made up nursery rhymes to make fun of him when they saw him dirty. No, I didn't even take a shower and wash my face, it was so embarrassing.

There are not only monks in the practice world, but also many people who cannot cultivate or have too poor qualifications. They gradually gather and form villages and towns similar to the mortal world.

However, ordinary people in the practice world are different from the mortal world. At least flying with swords and various flying monks are normal in their eyes, and occasionally they can see things like spirit beasts and magic weapons.

Lin Nuo had been adopted before, but that woman was kind and amiable on the surface, but secretly abused Lin Nuo, pricking him with a needle and beating him with a stick. Lin Nuo was out of breath from crying and called that woman Mother, please stop beating her, actually Lin Nuo didn't want to call her that, but if she didn't, she would be beaten again.

After being beaten a few times, little Lin Nuo couldn't take it anymore, and while the woman was out shopping, he crawled out through the hole in the backyard fence.

The hole was not big, and the blood was dripping from his hands. Seeing that the fence couldn't be broken with his thin hands, he began to dig the soil on the ground. After finally digging a little bigger, he finally squeezed out of it while crying.

The flesh on the back was scratched, and the pain caused the little Lin Nuo to cry, but she didn't dare to stay there any longer, and immediately ran into the barren hills.

Also from then on, Lin Nuo seldom approached those villages and towns, because not only the children bullied him, but also the enthusiastic old lady bullied him and beat him.

So after seeing someone coming here, Xiao Lin Nuo was a little vigilant. He even picked up the leftover fruits on the big rock, as if he was afraid that those women would snatch him to eat.

Lin Nuo also saw the actions of "myself" from the side. He probably guessed what he was thinking at the time, but his memory was still very vague, most of which he didn't remember.

Almost everyone's childhood memories will be forgotten when they grow up. Lin Nuo also knows that he was very young at this time. When he tried to recall, at most, he only flashed a few more impressive pictures.

He still remembers something miraculous to him like fruit rain, but it was still just a simple picture that flashed by quickly. Lin Nuo had no memory of meeting Yin Hanqiu here.

And after Shen Han saw that young self, he knew that today was the day Yin Hanqiu saved him.

The silent Lin Nuo and the equally silent Shen Han watched all this happen.

Yin Hanqiu and his group of five walked up slowly from the lower reaches, and they saw Lin Nuo sitting on the rock.

At this time, Yin Hanqiu was also young, but she was still older than Shen Han and Lin Nuo. She should be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and her cultivation was not like what she was later on. Now she just entered the threshold of monks and can use magic weapons to fly Hurrying, the spiritual power is probably not very abundant, otherwise I would not be looking for a place to rest temporarily.

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