Chapter 21: thunderstrom

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3rd person pov:
It was Aizawa's and hizashi's day off so they are spending it with just relaxing at home with their son, Aizawa was cutting the fruits while hizashi teaches izuku oragami.

"Okay izuku so now you fold on this end" hizashi said as izuku carefully followed his steps, "andddddddd done!" He said relived.

They made an oragami cat, hizashi's one looks really neat while Izuku's, well it's his first time so it's fine.

"Hmm" Aizawa hummed, "something wrong sho?" He leaned back on his chair. "It looks like it's going to rain today" he observed the window.

"Oh really? Let's me check the weather" he said getting up to go to the tv weather channel, izuku followed him of course.

He tuned on the weather channel and listened to it, "on todays weather it looks like there will be some heavy rain and potentially lightning, so that concludes that there might be a thunderstorm, I advise you to stay indoors for the time being till it passes. However there is a 50% that the thunderstorm will occur-" the weather man said.

"The weather man doesn't make sense at all" hizashi sighed, "papa?" He turned his attention to him. "Yes izu?" "Will there be a thunderstorm?" He asked innocently.

He smiled, "don't worry, the news says 50% percent chance, but usually ends up not happening, but if it does happen, then you'll be safe".

Izuku nodded and they went back to the kitchen, they then all ate the fruits Aizawa cut.

*Timeskip to the night*

Izuku was in his bed sleeping soundly when suddenly he was woken up by a loud and bright flash in the sky. He quickly sat up with a shaky breath, he has never heard a sound like that before.

It then struck again and he used the blankets to cover himself, "it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's-..." he tried to calm himself down but he stopped when it wasn't working so he got up and ran to Aizawa's and hizashi's room.

He opened the door and quickly speed walked with his little legs to the bed, "p-papa.., dad wake up..!" He shook them up.

They then opened their eyes to see their little izu scared, "izu? What happend?" Hizashi Said half asleep.

He started to cry, "hey hey it's okay, tell us what's wrong?"Aizawa rose up calming him down.

Just then, lightning then struck again which made izu jump and hug Aizawa tightly, "oh I see" he frowned.

"It's okay izu, would you like to sleep in our bed tonight?" Hizashi asked, izuku hesitated but nodded. He climbed in between the two of them, "hm I have an idea" Aizawa got up and searched his dresser drawer to find the thing that can help izu calm down.

He then pulled out some headphones and came back, he hooked it up to his phone and played a calming playlist. "Okay izu I'm gonna put this on your ears and it will play music to block the noises ok?" He said. He nodded and he put them on him, izu liked the music and snuggled up with his parents.

"Our little listener is so cute" hizashi smiled, "yeah" he responded. "While your up, we need to discuss about his chocker, we have to get it out before it gets worse" he said with sorrow.

"We can go to nezu again, since he's more comfortable with him it shouldn't be a problem" he suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea" he said, a lighting struck again that was so bright it startled izuku and he started to shake. "Your okay your okay" hizashi stroke his fluffy hair.

Aizawa got up and closed the blinds to block the sky out, he went back to the bed and snuggled with hizashi and izuku.

They then fell asleep together, izuku felt more relaxed with the music.

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