Chapter 9: where am I..?

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Izuku's pov:
My heads hurts, what happend last night? I don't remember at all, I woke to my whole body in pain. I groaned as I try to lift my head up. I then realised I was on a bed, it's wasn't the bed I had at the lab. Instead this one was comfy!

I then observed my surroundings too see I wasn't in the lab, it looked like those.. what are they called again?

Those things where sick people get better? Oh right it's called a hospital! I then heard footsteps coming towards the door. Who is it? Is it bad people?? Is it the league??? Is it-

I then see a man with long black hair, black clothes, a white scarf, eye bags, and a tired look on his face. What if he's a new villian?!

I quickly cover myself in the white blanket to hide from the man, I was shaking as the footsteps kept walking towards me. I then felt a hand on my back, I flinched thinking he was gonna hurt me but he didn't..

Instead he kept rubbing it in a circular motion, I don't know why but I liked it, I then soon calmed down.

I then slowly remove the covers and we were face to face with each other.

"H-hello..?" I said in a rusty voice. "Hey kid how are you feeling?" He asked. "E-every thing hurts.." I said. It looked like he frowned but I could be imagining things.

"Who are you..?" I asked. "I'm the underground hero eraserhead other wise known as shouta yamada aizawa" he said. "A hero..!" I said quietly. A hero Acatally came to save me!!

"What happend last night?" I asked. "Me and the other pro hero's rescued you three days ago" he said. My eyes widen, "wow.." I looked around. I then got off the bed and ran to the window, "kid what are you doing?" He asked.

I ran to the big window and looked outside, it looked so beautiful. "Mr. Aizawa what is that yellow shape in the sky?" I pointed to the yellow bright ball.

He gave me a confused look and went to my side, "oh you mean the sun" he said. "The sun.." I was mesmerized at its beauty.

Shoutas pov:
"Kid what are you doing?" I asked. He's not in a good state to be moving around. I see him run to the window and look outside. He then turned his head to me, "mr, Aizawa what is that yellow shape in the sky?" He asked.

I was confused, I got up and walked next to him and I saw me was talking about the sun. "Oh you mean the sun" I said. He looked so mesmerized at the sun, "the sun..".

I frowned, how long was he locked up for??.
"Hey kid" "hm?".

"How long were you in the lab for?" I asked. He closed eyes and started to think, "I remember I was taken away at 5 and I was there for about 7 years so 13?".

I was shocked, he's only 12??.

"Kid..". He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Do you want a hug..?" I asked. He hesitated but he nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back and he was sobbing.

Ussally I'm the type of person who doesn't care at all but this is breaking my heart, his whole childhood was wasted on the lab. I picked him up and laid him down on the bed.

The nurse then walked in with the doctor, "hello eraserhead, I'm doctor kiyoshi and this is nurse ayaka" he introduced himself and the nurse.

"Hey what do you want?" I asked not in the mood to talk to them. "We are here to check out the boy" he said.

"Fine.." I Said.

They then walked closer to the kid, he looked terrified. He then wrapped his arms on my arm while shutting his eyes tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. "W-will they hurt me..??" He sniffled. I frowned, "no no I promise they won't hurt you but if they do I'll strangle them okay?" I comforted him.

"Okay we are going to need a blood sample please" the doctor said. The boy led out his arm and the nurse pushed a needle in. The boy had no emotion, ussally kids are dead ass afraid of needles.

Once they were gone the boy laid on my chest, I patted his head softly. The boy then fell asleep and I carefully laid him and tucked him in his bed.

I then went to the doctor kiyoshi and nurse ayaka for the results, "Hey".

"So what did you find out on the blood test?" I asked. The doctor flipped though the pages and stopped at one, "before I read this out loud, please don't get angry alright?" The doctor said.

I looked confused, "okay.?".

He then sighed, "well we found out that the kid has 6 quirks..".

My eyes widen, "what how?? No one can ever survive with that many quirks!!" I yelled.

"Sir please keep your voice down" he said. I calmed down a little and I let him finish talking.

"We don't know what the quirks can do or what they are though" he said.

I thought about in for a second a came up with an idea, "I'll call up detective namosau to interview him. Maybe then we will get some answers" I said. "Great idea" he said.

"Alright I'm gonna go now bye" I walked away. They waved me goodbye and went to Izukus door, I saw that he was sleeping peacefully.

I then took out my phone a dialed the number, after a few seconds the person picked up.

"Hello, detective namosau speaking" he said. "Hey it's me" I said. "Oh erasuerhead! How can I help you?" He asked me.

"I need your help with something".

To that one person who asked for more chapters, here you go! I'll work on some more right now! Anyways have a good day/night! Byee! ✌️

Word count: 1016

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