Chapter 12: out of control

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3rd person pov:
It's been a week since hizashi and izuku met each other and they bonded perfectly. Izuku has been going to therapy sessions everyday but he doesn't trust the therapist, he's only trusted hizashi and Aizawa and no one else.

Currently, izuku was waiting on his bed for hizashi and Aizawa. He looked at the clock and it read '6:05pm', 'they were supposed to meet me at 5:00pm.." izuku thought.

Then something popped in his mind, 'did they forget about me? They promised they would come, what if they died? No their to strong for that, I thought I could trust them! I don't want to be alone again..!' Izuku was having a panick attack.

He was breathing uncontrollably and shaking rapidly, his vision was blurry but he manage to see a nurse come in.

"Omg are you okay??" The nurse asked. Suddenly and dark force pushed everything around izuku back including the nurse, the nurse was pushed into the wall. She crawled to the red button for help.

His quirks were going out of control, everything was floating around him and a dark aura surrounded him.

3rd person pov:
Aizawa and hizashi were driving pretty fast, apparently some kid got into a fight or something and it was mandatory that they had to stay there. Even though they promised izuku that we would be there at 5:00 sharp.

"Crappp he's gonna be soo upset with uss!" Hizashi said. "And who's fault is that?" Aizawa turned his head to him. "It's not my fault!" Hizashi said. "Exactly". "What-?" Hizashi was about to start arguing until they both saw the hospital looking diffrent. It had more off a windy, cold, scary, and dark vibe to it.

They both ran inside and they shirvered, it was so windy inside. "What's going on??" Hizashi asked. Aizawas eyes widen, "izuku!" Aizawa ran to Izuku's room as hizashi ran behind him.

They saw a lot of doctors and nurses helping the patients, "hey what's going on??" Aizawa asked a nurse.

"A paients quirks are out of control!" The nurse said. "Who??" Hizashi asked. "He has green hair, devilish features-" "shit it's izuku thanks!" Hizashi and Aizawa ran.

The reached Izuku's room to see alot of doctors and nurses scared, they looked to see izuku in the air with his head in on his legs with a dark aura surrounding him.

"Izuku!" Hizashi tried to call him but izuku didn't respond. He then tried again but he used his quirk, "IZUKU!" He yelled.

Izuku's head shot up and his eyes were flashing black and white, he was breathing heavily.

Aizawa then tried to cancel his quirk but the chaos was still happening, he then used his scarf and pulled izuku down to his level.

"Izuku! Listen to me, take deep breathes okay? We're here okay so please calm down!" Aizawa shouted so izuku could hear.

Izuku then started to take deep breathes and everything started to calm down, he then passed out in aizawas arms.

The nurses and doctors were in pure shock, "w-what just happend..?" A nurse panted out.
"He was having a panick attack or something" a doctor replied.

Aizaw then placed him down on the bed, the nurses and doctors swarm around him pushing hizashi and Aizawa back.

They putted those air masks on him and they connected some tubes onto his body, they also added a quirk cancel braclet just in case it happens again.

They then left and hizashi and Aizawa sat on the chairs beside him, hizashi looked guilty and Aizawa looked sad. They both think it's their fault that izuku was having the panick attack.

After 1 hour Izuku's eyes fluttered open, "h-hello?" Izuku called out. Aizawa and hizashi quickly got up from their chairs and went to Izuku's side.

"Hey little listener, how are you feeling?" Hizashi asked. "I don't know.." izuku said. He tried to get up but he felt a sharp pain throughout his body. "Hey take it easy okay?" Aizawa helped him up gently.

He then sat up straight and he spoke, "I-I'm sorry for what I did earlier.." he apologized. "Oh no no no you have nothing to apologize for, we are the ones who should be apologizing" hizashi said.

"Hm? Why?" Izuku asked. "We promised that we would come at the same time but we broke that promise therefore we should be the ones saying sorry" aizawa explained.

"But can you tell me why your were having a panick attack?" Hizashi asked him. "B-because I thought you guys f-forgot about me, I d-don't like being alone.." izuku stuttered out.

Aizawa frowned, "we're sorry izuku, you will
Never he alone okay?" Aizawa patted his back gently. "Yeah your not alone okay?" Hizashi added.

"T-thank you" izuku said rubbing a tear away from his eye. They then started to talk about stuff. Hizashi was talking about embarrassing stories off him and Aizawa when they were younger.

"And then Aizawa fell into a trash can when I used my quirk to call him!" Hizashi laughed. Aizawa was blushing from embarrassment, "don't remind me of that!" Aizawa pushed his shoulder. Hizashi noticed that izuku wasn't smiling, or laughing.

"Is something wrong?" Hizashi asked him. "No why are you asking?" Izuku replied. "You weren't smiling at all" hizashi said.

"Oh uh.." izuku paused. Aizawa frowned, "you know, smiling?".

Izuku then tried to pull his face to make himself smile but he didn't felt like he was smiling. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that.." izuku apologized. Hizashi and Aizawa felt like crying, he spent all of his life being tortured and tested on to the point where he can't smile.

"I-izuku would you excuse for a minute?" Hizashi asked. Izuku slowly nodded and Aizawa and hizashi walked out of the room.

"What did those bastards do to him?!he's only 13 and he has been experimented all of his life to the point he can't even smile anymore!?" Hizashi growled. "Mic calm down-" "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN? THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL IM GONNA LET THAT KID SUFFER LIKE THAT!" Hizashi shouted.

Aizawa looked shocked, hizashi sighed and calmed down. "I'm sorry for yelling but this is all to much" hizashi apologized.

"Don't worry we will help him in any way we can" Aizawa promised. "Yeah we will!" Hizashi said determinedly. They then went back into the room, izuku had this confused look. "Turn that frown upside down!" Hizashi said.

"As you wish mr.zashi but I don't think it will do anything" izuku floated upside down in the air. They both chuckled, "not like that" Aizawa chuckled.

"I mean is cheer up little listener! We will do everything in our power to make you smile!" Hizashi said. Izuku looked kinda confused, "okay!".

Then something hit izuku, "uh mr.zawa, mr.zashi. When I get better and leave the hospital, where am I gonna go..?" Izuku asked.

Aizawa and hizashis eye widen, "uh sho can I speak to you again outside?" Aizawa nodded and they both went outside the room again.

"He has a point, where is he gonna go after this?" Aizawa asked. "Sho don't you see??" Hizashi looked very happy. "What?".

"We can adopt izuku as our child! Remeber how we always wanted a kid? Besides we are the only ones who he trusts!" Hizashi jumped in joy.

"For once you actually said something smart" Aizawa said. "For once???" Hizashi said.

"Yeah, how about we ask him in a few days" Aizawa said. Hizashi nodded and they went back into the room, "is this the last conversation you guys are gonna have outside the room?" Izuku asked.

"Oh yeah sorry!" Hizashi and Aizawa apologized. They then talked for a while and then izuku fell asleep and hizashi and Aizawa went home.

Oh my god finally, this chapter took so long because I was having writers block! But atleast I managed to finish this chapter! Also sorry for the long wait! Anyways have a good day/night! Byee!✌️

Word count: 1348

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