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As the sunlight pierced into my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked them twice to adjust to the light. Something tickled my nose and I looked down, only to find Penny on top of me with her hair sprawled all over my chest.

A feeble smile appeared on my face but it was soon replaced by emptiness. It was my decision to send her away but why did it feel miserable? People like me are so afraid of happiness that they ends up pushing everyone they love away.

"What are you thinking?" I heard her voice. I lowered my eyes to look at her face. From this close, I could see all the freckles over her nose and it looked adorable.

"Nothing." I said. "What would you like in breakfast?"

"Why? Will you cook?" She asked sarcastically.

"You don't think I can?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Um... Have you met you?" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Remember when I cooked during that hideout in the cabin?" He reminded me.

"That was different. We were alone then." I shrugged.

"Really? Go freshen up. I'll make something for you." I said and her eyes widened.

"Is that my goodbye treat?" She asked and my heart dipped inside my chest. I had become so used to her that I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Maybe." I said and stood up. Putting on my shirt, I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I made my way downstairs. Since fake Jason's departure, we haven't hired a cook yet and Jennie had been doing most of the cooking. I asked her to leave the kitchen alone and then assembled the items.

Contrary to what she believed, I was actually a good cook. I just didn't have much time to do cooking. Besides, it's tough to maintain a reputation in front of your men when they find you in the kitchen making scrambled eggs.

I was busy mixing eggs when Lucas entered the kitchen behind me to get a water bottle. When he found me cooking, he looked curious but he didn't ask. He wasn't talking to me because of my decision to send him away but one day, he will realize I was right.

"Penny will be leaving with you. I have booked the private plane for tonight." I said and he gritted his teeth.

"Ok." He said briefly and stormed out.

Once I had cooked everything, I assembled everything in a tray and made my way back to the bedroom. Penny was sitting on the bed, wearing my T-shirt while her inviting long legs were sprawled against the blac bedsheets.

I placed the tray on the bed and cozied myself beside her. She excitedly took a bite of the omelet and closed her eyes as she savoured it. It was a spinach cheese omelette served with sourdough bread and baked potatos. And I knew Penny had a sweet tooth so I also made a fruit bowl.

"I approve." She said chuckling.

"Don't get used to it. You're leaving tonight." I said and her face turned into a pout.

"Do I really have to go so soon?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Doesn't it hurt you to send me away?" She asked as her face contorted in pain.

"It does. It kills me." I murmured under my breath. "But it's time to go back to your life. I can't keep you caged forever. Lucas will keep an eye on you there. You'll have a job waiting for you. Anything you want, you will have."

"What if I want you?" She said and my heart clenched again.

"It's not possible." I said.

"It is, god damnit. You're just scared to let me in." She responded angrily.

"You promised me you won't leave in anger." I reminded her of the promise she made while cuddling last night.

"You are not making it easy on me." She said in a frustrated voice.

"I know." I said and pulled her closer. Putting my arms behind her back, I inhaled the scent of her shampoo. "Everything will work out. I promise." I said.

"I hope so." She replied.


It was finally the time of the flight. Our private plane was waiting for us at a nearby port and I was getting ready to drive Penny there when my phone started ringing for the millionth time today. I had been getting missed call from Hailey ever since I broke up with her but I didn't care. I could live with a little less support from Senator Connor but I could not spend one more minute with that entitled woman.

Picking up the phone, I finally blocked her number before making my way downstairs. Penny was already dressed and she had her suitcase with her. A wave of nausea hit me as I saw her fully prepared to leave. A part of me wanted to stop her and never let her go but the other part knew that she didn't belong here.

"Come on." I said and gripped her hand. "Lucas said he will meet us there."

She nodded lazily and followed me to the car. While the driver revved the engine, I rested my head on Penny's shoulder. She was the only person who makes me feel both strong and weak. She makes me want to take a break from this life of crimes and start a new life with her. And that makes me scared because I didn't know what I would do without her.

We stayed silent the whole way, enjoying each others presence. The drive ended soon and the car reached a halt. The pilot was waiting for us but Lucas was still nowhere to be seen. We left the car. The driver loaded Penny's luggage inside while I stood there, dialing Lucas' number.

"What's wrong?" Penny asked.

"Nothing. I can't reach Lucas." I said and attempted to call him again. What if he was on his rebel mode and won't be going? The thought made me groan out loud.

I was re-dialing the phone anxiously when a car suddenly stopped at a distance. It was Lucas's Aston Martin that he parked behind my car and then walked out with a suitcase in his hands.

"Where were you? Get in." I said in an annoyed voice.

"It's not my luggage. It's yours." He said and motioned my driver to take it.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought about it a lot and I think it's time you start thinking about yourself." He said, stepping closer to me.

"What?" I repeated.

"Go to London and start a new life with this Penelope." He said and my eyebrows furrowed.

"No." I said. "I need to handle these things. Dad---"

"Dad died years ago, for God's sake. You're free from the responsibilities he put on your shoulder." He grunted at me. "You don't have to be selfless for me. I don't need this sacrifice. I am good to stay here and do the dirty work."

I looked at Penny who stared back at me with eyes filled of hope. "Let's go. Lucas can handle all that." She walked closer to me and laced her fingers with mine.

"Happily, if I may add. And without having to make any sacrifice." Lucas said.

"I..." My eyes switched between Lucas' and Penny's.

"Please Sean. Just out yourself first for once." Lucas said and this was the first time I had heard him say this word please.

"Yes, please. Let's go. We can start a new life there." Penny looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.

My mind jumbled up in a turmoil and I thought of all the possible end results of my decision. It wasn't easy to dump all my responsibilities on Lucas and leave everything behind. But one look at Penny and I knew I needed her in my life. She was the best thing that happened to me and I would be stupid to let her go.

"Fine." I sighed and leaned my head to kiss her forehead.


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