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Once inside the car, I was blindfolded before being taken to the destination so I wouldn't remember the directions. I sat there frozen, scared for my life and Mary's, thinking of every possibility of what was going to happen. I had lost track of time and when the car finally stopped, a rough hand wrapped around my wrist and dragged me out.

"Ow." I groaned as I bumped against something while I was being dragged. "Easy." I said but to no avail.

I was stopped at a point and then somebody jerked off the blindfold. The bright sunlight pierced my eyes and I shielded my eyes with my hands.

I was at what looked like an abandoned ground. There were few men around me dressed in all dark but my focus of attention was the man standing right in front of me. He looked like a younger version of Paolo Machiavelli, typical chiselled Italian features. It didn't need a genius to figure out that he was the second Machiavelli son who had called me earlier.

"Where is Mary?" I asked.

Instead of replying, he just snapped his fingers and from a car behind him, another man walked out the car and pulled a girl with him. It was Mary who was also kept blindfolded.

"What do you want?" I asked carefully.

He cocked his head to the side and a tattoo peeked out of his shirt. It was the same bleeding rose tattoo that I had seen before of some other men of their mafia. Sean told me it was to protect those who had been jailed before or were at risk of getting jailed.

"The proof that Elijah gave you against us." He said.

"Dad gave me nothing. I am tired of explaining that to everyone." I said in frustration.

"Liar." He said. This man had a long scar running down his jaw that looked like he was stabbed there. "I don't like liars."

"I swear..."

"In his last days, he was either with you or that girlfriend of his. If she knew anything, she would have told me when I threatened to kill her mother. That only leaves you." He said and my mouth opened. 

The man holding Mary had taken off her nightfold and she was staring at us with a panicked look on her face. This man must have traumatized her, all because of me and my family.

"I don't know how to prove that I don't know anything. Just let Mary go and take me with you. Then you can investigate me all you want." I said to bargain. Sean would kill me if he knew I said that but I don't see any other alternative.

"Very well. Take her." He said to nobody in particular.

"Let her go first." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "You can't fool me."

"It isn't a democracy, you stupid bitch." He growled at me and grabbed my wrist. I shrieked in response and attempted to free myself but he was stronger. He picked me up roughly and started walking towards his car. The man taking Mary blindfolded her again and shoved her inside the car.

Amidst the struggle, I heard the loud sound of tyre of cars screeching to a halt. My vision was still hazy due to being blindfolded but I could figure out Sean's face amidt the crowd. I felt relief wash all over me because I knew now he wouldn't let me get hurt.

All of a sudden, chaos erupted. Enzo let me go and charged all his men towards Sean, Lucas and their men. Both sides began to fight and it was difficult to figure out who was on which side.

I didn't want to just stand in a corner and be the damsel in distress. Now that Mary was unguarded, I took advantage of the moment and went to her. She was still cold and pale from the terror so I opened her ties and blindfolds and enveloped her in a warm hug.

The Mysterious Mr. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now