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Thomas drove me back to my apartment while my mind kept stuck at Sean. I wanted to wait for him but who was I to say anything when Sean had ordered Thomas to take me home? There was no way in hell he would go against his boss' order for me.

Once inside my apartment, I sat down on the couch in the lounge with my eyes glued to the door. There was a turmoil in my belly. I felt guilty for leaving Sean there alone but then again, I don't think I was going to be any helpful.

At last, after a long torturous hour of waiting, there was a knock on the door. I jumped towards the door and opened it, revealing Sean standing on the other side. He had his signature standoffish expression on his face but this time, they were masking something deeper. Pain.

"Oh my God," I gasped as Sean walked inside, leaving a trail of blood behind him. There was an injury on his leg from which blood was leaking. It looked like a gunshot. "Call a doctor." I shouted.

"Don't." He said and sat down on the couch. "Thomas knows how to deal with this. It barely touched my leg." He said.


"Doctors will involve police. Trust me, you don't want that." He said and I had to listen unwillingly.

I sat by him as Thomas debrided the wound and covered it with gauze piece. It looked so painful that I had to bit my lips to stop myself from gasping. Sean looked amused at my expression as if he wasn't the one being shot.

"Why did they do it?" I said, helping Thomas in cleaning him up.

"I initiated it. You should see what I did to him." He admitted proudly.

"Why would you do that? Are you stupid?" I glared at him, wanting to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"He said something to tick me off." Sean said and tried to straighten his leg when a painful groan escaped his mouth.

"Men and their stupid masculinity." I rolled my eyes and searched around for some painkillers in Thomas's emergency kit.

"The laptop they stole from your Dad crashed when they tried to hack into it. Paolo thinks Elijah must have given you a copy of information as a backup." He said as he gulped the painkillers with water.

"But he didn't give me anything." I said.

"He might have camouflaged it. They have already searched Ivana's house along with your Dad's. The only suspect is you." He said.

"I would have recognised if he gave me a USB, flash drive or something like that." I said.

"I know." He said. "But the Machiavelli's aren't going to give up until they have found it." He said and I nodded nervously, knowing very well he was right.

"Our only solution is to find whatever they are looking for first. It will help us strike a deal with them." He proposed. "Or the FBI."

"Hmm." I nodded absentmindedly. My thoughts were more focused on the huge injury on Sean's leg. I was the one who had caused it and he hasn't complained even once. He must be in so much pain and here he was, trying to find a way to protect me from all this.

What kind of man are you, Sean Miller?


I have read somewhere that turmeric helps in reducing pain. That's the reason why I was in the kitchen at 1 o' clock in the night, boiling milk with turmeric. After pouring it in a mug, I went to my bedroom where Sean was sitting on the bed, resting his head against the headboard. His eyes were set on the ground as he was lost in some deep thoughts. I don't know why it felt like he was hiding something from me. Then again, when didn't he?

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