Sunscreen Issues

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Zion Morozov

She kissed me, firm, desperate, her hips slightly rotating on me and I sighed, her being on me giving me such an intense sense of satisfaction already.

I held her hips, moving her lower so she didn't sit so high and she gasped as I placed her perfectly onto my groin, her legs hooking around me again.

I had to go shallower so she could feel secure in her movements.

She moaned when I helped her move her hips, her arms hooked around my neck as she hugged me.

"When you say sensitive, what does that exactly mean?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Meaning I'm close already." She gasped.

I grew lightheaded with the concept.

"Making my job too easy." I heaved as she ground harder onto me.

She chuckled, stopping.

"What was that for?"

"Making your job harder." She told me.

"Mmm you're gonna try to fuck with me aren't you?"

"It's not as fun if I make it easy."

I sighed as one of her hands held one side of my neck, her mouth on the other side as she began sucking a hickey on my throat.

I sighed, shutting my eyes to just enjoy this.

She stopped, looking at it. She smiled.

"I'm coloring in your tattoos." She told me.

"Oh yeah? Is that what's happening?"

"Mmhm." She wiped it off, sucking on another spot.

This was a repeated process across both sides of my neck.

"Are you not tired of this?"

"Nope. I have really good mouth muscles." She pulled back, smirking at me.

"Don't be a tease." I scowled.

"As you say, you'll find out eventually. It'll all happen eventually." She said.

"Ahh." I nodded and she held on to my shoulders as she fell back slowly, lying her head in the water, letting my shoulders so as she just floated, her lower body still clung to me.

She then let me go completely, just floating on top of the water.

I got out, knowing she couldn't hear since her eyes were underwater.

I got myself a glass of bourbon.

I sat on one of the tanning chairs and just watched her.

I felt my pocket buzz and it was Alec.


"We caught three men, in masks trying to steal your weapon shipment. There in the warehouse but they're from some little street gang that found out about us I guess." He said.

I laughed.

"Okay. Keep them there, I'll have Kaia deal with them later." I sighed.

"Alright." He hung up.

"Me?" Kaia looked at me.


"What about me?"

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Liar. But I don't care enough to ask I'm having a good day." She came out of the pool, water dripping from her body.

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