New Orleans

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Kaia Blanc

I took time for my body, hair, and skin, smelling absolutely amazing as I did light makeup.

Technically I didn't have to go to the bar for anything today but I had nothing else to do.

I also loved the Hurricane drink.

And peach margaritas.

So I got dressed.

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I could finally wear the cute heels since my nails were done

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I could finally wear the cute heels since my nails were done.

I called Zak.


"I would like a ride to the club but I'm not sure who to call for that, Zion typically does it."

"I'll send Alec, thank you." He hung up.

I waited a good 10 minutes until he walked through my elevator.

"Angel, lovely to meet your acquaintance." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes.


He laughed, "let's go."

"Zions limited your drivers." He sighed.


"That only I'm allowed to drive you, Zion or I. No one else."

"What about the drivers he's sent thus far?"

"He caught them talking about you... sexually." He gave an expression of amusement.

"Welp, I'm a demanding passenger. Hope your ready." I smiled.

He opened the door for me.

"Diva." He shut the door and came to his side.

"What were they saying?" I asked.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say."

"Why? I won't tell him I know."

"He'll already know. He knows everything. My tongue will be cut from my mouth." He made the tight lips motion with the figurative key and tossed it.

"What? It's not that big of a deal."

He said nothing. Like it was a legal obligation varying between life or death with his words.

"Tonight is oldies night. We play loud music and open the bar completely where people will be inside and outside dancing to the music. It's amazing, the culture of New Orleans is amazing. We're gonna have people selling homemade gumbo and street foods. It happens Friday nights." He smiled when we got there, people crowding the street but they were all filled with joy and dancing to the music.

"It's so alive." I smiled.

"It is, but keep in mind Zions very protective so you have a limited amount of people you're allowed to be around and keep someone close to you whether it's him or I. Things still happen." He got out, people cheering when they saw him.

He opened my door and I stepped out.

"He's over there." He pointed and I turned, Zion was talking to the people selling the street food.

"This is giving me Princess and the Frog vibes." I smiled and he looked at me, handing me a bowl of gumbo.

"Ever had it?" The lady asked.

"No ma'am." I smiled.

"Well it's a bit spicy so be careful, sweet pea." She nodded when I tried it.

"That's amazing." I mumbled.

"You mentioned Princess and the Frog, my Husband is down the road with Beignets with powdered sugar and honey." She winked and I gasped.

I spooned the delicious soup like food into my mouth as I walked to find them.

"Calm down. He saved a special plate for you since this is your first Friday night here. They're fresh and not going anywhere." He led me with his hand on the small of my back.

"Save some room to try Jambalaya." He told me.

It was so alive. People clearly into voodoo doing whatever they do under their tents, streetlights shining, fairy lights hand from all tables and tents as well as his club.

Everyone was singing and dancing, drinking and eating.

This was its own culture and it was so fascinating.

We stopped at another table.

"Hey Loraine." Zion smiled at her.

"My boy! You brought the new girl! Ever had mama Loraine's Jambalaya?" She winked, pouring me a bowl.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Pork, crab, and crawfish with some veggies, chicken stock, rice and a bunch of flavorful stuff." She told me before giving Zion a gentle hug.

I took a bite and it was so savory and very good.

"That's incredible, thank you." I covered my mouth, minding my manners.

"For sure! Bring her back next Friday." She lectured Zion and he smiled.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded.

We made our way to the dessert, he took the bowl of food from me when I couldn't finish it all.

He finished it so it didn't go wasted.

"Hey pops." Zion said with his mouth full.

He laughed.

"I made you fresh ones." He pointed at me, setting a plate on the table, removing the paper towel over it, steam rolling off them as he sprinkled powder sugar and honey.

He handed it to me and I was so excited.

I bit into it, it was so soft and airy.

"So good." I laughed.

He nodded.

"Welcome to New Orleans in Louisiana, darlin'." He smiled.

I kept eating them, they were so addictive and by the end I was stuffed and I just got here.

"Now you can go get your drink." Zion said.

"How'd you know?" I smiled.

"I know a lot of things. But have fun, stay by Alec or me please." He said and I nodded, going to get myself a drink.

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