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Zion Morozov

"Dance with me." She smiled, holding out her hand.

"Dance?" I asked.

"Come on! The music slowed down." She said and I sighed, placing my large hand over her small one.

"This one's for New Girl!" One of the people playing instruments said and began a song that made her face instantly light up.

"What song is it?" I asked.

"Ma Belle Evangeline. From the movie." She whispered.

I laughed as she moved us to a tempo that I just adapted to.

"I wish I wore a flowy dress. This song deserves the best outfit ever." She sighed in joy, looking at the stars above us.

She was beautiful. Truly.

She hummed the words but sung the small some of lyrics that must've been French.

Her blue eyes glittered with the lights and stars, her curls shined depending on the angle she turned to.

"Naveen was always my Disney Prince crush." She smiled at me.

"Yeah? How come?"

"He was beautiful, had dimples and although he was a bit oblivious and playerish in the beginning, but he loved Tiana and would do anything for her." She grinned when I twirled her and brought her back.

"Makes sense." I smiled.

"I also love Beauty and the Beast." She shrugged.

"I've seen that one." I nodded.

When the song ended, it became upbeat again and she sighed.

"That song is life." She smiled.

"How do you say that in French?"

"That sentence?" She asked and I nodded.

"Cette chanson c'est la vie." She said and I hummed.

"In Russian?" She smiled.

"Eta pesnya - zhizn'." I said.

"Sounds rugged." She laughed.

"Compared to your little love language it is."

"What wrong with my native language coming from the love stereotype?" She frowned.


Just that my dick would throb consistently hearing her speak it.

Even if I had no idea what she would say.

"No? Well I think there's a lot we could be say on behalf of one another's native languages." She said as we got inside and she got a refill on her Hurricane.

Then we went to my spot.

"Sit." I said and everyone gasped. Even my security guards.

"What? Why'd they do that?" She asked.

"No reason, just sit." I said.

"Well I have to use the restroom quickly then I'll be back." She said.

Zak escorted her.

Men would often hide in girl restrooms waiting for prey so I had ordered him to check everytime even if it seemed indecent to ensure her safety.

I grabbed her drink, covering the top with my hand as I waited.

"Are you broken? I heard the gasps from a mile down the block." Alec stared at me.

"I'm fine." I shrugged.

"You offered your chair. I know how you are, I can't even sit there. Not even Zoe." He scowled.

"Mind your business." I whispered and he laughed.

"Alright." He nodded.

She came back, adjusting her dress before taking her drink and sitting in the chair with ease.

Everyone just stared in shock.

So I stood in front of her, blocking out a lot of the people.

She sipped the drink.

"Do you like being here tonight?" I asked.

She looked up at me and I took a step back realizing where I stood and where she sat was giving my imagination too much.

"I do. It's fun. I'm upset you didn't tell me about it and invite me though." She frowned.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could really say.

"Alright, it's fine." She shrugged.

"Hey guys!" Zoe came through the crowd holding a man's hand.

Immediately Kaia stood to hug her.

She kissed my cheek and then the man by her gave Kaia a once over.

"Who's... this?" I asked.

"It's the guy I had a date with tonight. We agreed no strings." She giggled clearly tipsy.

He offered a hand to me.

I took it.

"Cory." He gave a cocky grin.

"Zion." I smiled.

Then he offered a hand to Kaia.

I grabbed her hand.

"Let's not, I'm not sure where your hands been. She's... a germaphobe. You know how those people can be Hm?" I tried with a polite smile.

"She didn't seem to mind." He stepped a bit closer.

"You're with my sister at my bar, go have some fun, Zoe I need you a sec." I said.

"I can distract him, he's clearly not going." Kaia mumbled.

"Leave your drink here, you're not drinking anything other than this. Kay?" I said and she nodded.

"Hey man no need to be so hostile." He laughed but when Kaia tapped his arm he followed her in a heartbeat.

"How drunk are you?" I asked her.


"Can you not have sex with him? I don't ask much of the men you bring home but this one isn't it." I said and she sighed.

"I know. I don't like him either. Why do you think I'm this drunk? I can't tolerate that human." She groaned.

"Z!" Alec said and I turned, Kaia panicked as the boy had a firm grip on her left wrist.

"Let me go!" She yelled and got everyone's attention.

He laughed, calling her baby, and an assortment of pet names.

Zak got there fastest through the people, telling him to release her.

"Fine!" He did and she backed up, almost falling backward but I got there and caught her.

"Good lord." She looked at her wrist and it was a bit red.

"Can one do your guys drive me home? I'm not feeling good." Zoe said and she gagged.

"I'll take her." Kaia took her to the bathroom, Alec following.

Chaos. Pure chaos.

"Continue your night everyone!" I yelled and the music got louder.

-in Russian-

"What do you want done with him?"

I thought it through.

If I let him go without a warning he may harm more women.,

"He can just be tied to the cement bar by the guys in the dog cages. If he doesn't shut up don't be afraid to do damage."

"Yes boss."

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