Chapter 3: Proving a Point (Revised)

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Beacon Academy, Beacon Cliff

The Mercs were all lined up on the cliff with Glynda preparing to launch. Meanwhile everyone was in the Amphitheater watching.

Scout: Woooh! Let's get this started!

Heavy: I am getting too old and giant for this.

Medic: And you vill be ok Heavy!

Engie: Alright, I'm going to set up a tele-

The Mercs were then launched with no heads up.

Scout: AHHHHH!!!!

Engie: Dag nabbit Ozpin!

Soldier: Screamin' Eagles!

The Mercs soared in the air following each other through the air before landing in a tree.

Scout: Ow! ... Ow! ... Ow! ... Ow!

Scout kept falling onto tree branches before falling onto the ground.

Scout: Auuuuugh....

Just as Scout got up and dusted himself off, Soldier fell onto Scout hitting him in the head with his Gunboats.

Scout: Agh!

Soldier: Hello Scout!

Scout: Get off me Soldier!

Soldier: Yes sir!

Soldier then walked off of Scout. Scout then got up again just as PYRO landed onto him.

Scout: Gah!

Pyro: Mhmmmm mhmmmmmm mmmmmhhm.

Scout: Not now Pyro!

Pyro then hopped off Scout with some glee in his 'voice'.

Scout: I swear to God if one more person lands on me I'm going to-


Medic: AHHHHH!!!

Scout looked up to see the falling giant and doctor.

Scout: Aw, crap.

Scout tried to run only for him to run right under Heavy and Medic, crushing him.



Everyone had mixed reactions to Scout being crushed.

RS 3: That sucks.

Ruby: Poor Scout.

Weiss: That dolt deserves it.

Blake: How so?

Yang: Well, he is a mercenary.

Jaune: True.

Nora: Well, I think that the Demoman and Soldier are cool!

Ren: Is it because they have explosives?

Nora: YES!!

Meanwhile Ozpin and Glynda had a similar yet different reaction.

Ozpin: Mr. Scout seems to not be having a good time.

Glynda rolled her eyes.

Glynda: Yes, his comrades do keep falling on him.

Emerald Forest

Scout was now sat down on a log with Medic healing him as Demo, Engie, Spy, and Sniper walked to them.

Engie: Howdy partners, what happened 'ere?

Medic: Ve might have all landed on ze Scout.

Spy: At once?

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