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The group was now back at Blossoms house after spending a few hours out.

"I'm so bored." Blossom huffed out as she laid on the carpet that cover the living room.

"Me too." India agreed from beside her.

"Blos love." Jasmine called out, coming from her room.

"Yes?" Blossom responded sitting up.

"I have a surprise for you, so at 5 the latest you need to dress real pretty same for you guys, we're going out." Jasmine smiled at her as she checked the time seeing it was only 12.

"You boys can come too if you like." She said to Durk and Von.

"Okayy." Blossom happily said.

She loved when her mother had a surprise for her, it was always something good.

"I wonder what it is." Bryson said.

"Definatly something good." Cuban said remembering all the surprises Jasmine had given Blossom.

"Must be nice to grow up rich." Durk said shaking his head.

"It is." Blossom unconsciously said causing Bryson to laugh.

"Lucas, why are you so quiet?" she questioned noticing she hadn't heard his voice.

"I'm not." He said rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry about him." Von said as she was about to respond.


"Why you care so much?" Von questioned cutting her off.

"That's just the way she is." India spoke up glaring at him.

Von and India had a stare down for quite a while before Durk spoke up.

"Let's get some juice for us Blos." He said getting up from the couch, helping her stand up.

"Yo von in all respect, you gotta chill, Blossom isn't one of these girls you're used to, and you know that, the smallest things can have a negative impact on her." Bryson said as the two disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'm out." Von said not wanting to hear anymore.

"Where you going?" Blossom frowned seeing him about to walk out.

"Somewhere." He said walking out.

Blossom looked up at Durk with tear filled eyes.

"Did I do something?" She asked.

"No you didn't, just hold on." Durk said following Von out just as he got into the car.

"Von." He called out causing him to roll down the window.

"I know yo ass ain't about to leave cause they tryna have you do right for Blos, you ain't right gang, that girl ain't did shit wrong so what you mad for?" Durk said causing Von to sigh.

"Ion know gang, my emotions getting the best of me." Von said.

"Ain't no excuse, this the second time in one day." Durk said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Aight gang, lemme dip and I'll be back at before 6." Von said causing Durk to nod and step back from the car.

Durk shook his head, watching Von speed off.

He didn't want them to be together if Von wasn't going to act right, as much as he loved Von, he wasn't going to let him hurt Blossom.

"Why'd he leave?" Blossom asked from the front door, causing Durk to snap out of his thoughts and walk up to her.

"He just got something to do, he'll be back before 6." he said causing her to nod her head sadly.

"Dont worry about it tho, just think about what you're surprise might be." He told her poking her sides causing her to giggle.

"Don't do that." She said lightly hitting him.

"Aight let's go give them their juice." Durk laughed closing the door behind him.

India smiled seeing the two walk in the living room with 5 glasses of juice in their hands and a huge smile spread across their faces.

She honestly felt like she was falling for Durk, the way he was so kind to her, and the way he spoke, the way he treated Blossom, and he was just a funny guy, and a good looking one.

"Damn India you good?" Bryson teased watching her stare at Durk.

"Shut up." India blushed as the rest laughed.

Lucas was happy that Von was now gone, now he could talk to Blossom in peace.

He honestly hoped he wouldn't show up again later.

All he had to do now was confess his feelings about Blossom to her mother.

Lucas knew Jasmine loved him, so his plan would most likely work.

Smirking at the thought, Lucas watched Blossom converse with the group.

She's all he ever wanted.

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