Chapter 42: Winter & Seraphina

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 Gretna Green: Town on the England-Scotland border famous for elopements.

Winter's heart pounded in his ears as he rode up the drive to the manor that had been repurposed to become The Sanctuary's headquarters

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Winter's heart pounded in his ears as he rode up the drive to the manor that had been repurposed to become The Sanctuary's headquarters. He quickly deposited his horse with a stable hand and half ran indoors, and while his heart urged him to go left to where the employee residences were, his brain reminded him that there was somewhere he needed to go first. Up the stairs, third door to the right.

He knocked.

'Enter.' His mother's cool voice came from the other side. He eased the door open to see her peering down at a paper through spectacles perched on her nose. His heart gave a fond thud. His mother was getting older. Her eyes flicked up, delight glimmering through them as recognition settled. 'Oh, darling! What are you doing here? Is something the matter?'

She got up and approached him, hands extended until he clasped them. He placed a quick kiss on the side of her cheek and then took the seat she motioned to.

'Tea? I bet Cook can whip up those sandwiches you like in a trice.' She patted his hand. 'Oh, my poor child, you have been working too hard. Your face is all sunken and you've lost weight. Tch, you must come stay with me for a few days and let me take care of you.'

He allowed her to fuss over him, gathering the courage to speak.

'Have I ever told you that I am immensely proud to call you my mother?' He began, wondering why he had never told her this before. Now it would feel forced and untrue once he got to the crux of the matter. 'You have worked for years upon years to bring this place to what it is now. You've somehow managed to make people care about the plight of women that don't fit into the box society meant for them.'

'Well.' His mother's lips twitched in amusement. 'I don't know if I've made them care. I just made appearing to care fashionable. Any reason you bring this up now? Is everything alright?'

'You've worked so hard to get to where you are.' Winter took her hand and gave it a fond squeeze. 'And I'm here to ask your forgiveness for I am going to expose you to scandal once again.'

His mother snorted, dismissing him. 'I hear enough about your exploits, boy. Surely nothing can be more scandalous than some of the things you've done.'

'It is,' Winter took a deep breath. 'I am getting married.'

His mother pitched forward in shock.

'I beg your pardon?' She frowned at him severely. 'Have you come all the way to Richmond to play some sort of jest?'


'I see.' Her eyes narrowed. 'And she is someone you believe I would disapprove of. Hence all this sugarcoating.'

'Not sugar coating,' Winter winced. 'Just....softening the blow?'

'I see.' His mother's tone turned disapproving. 'I do not appreciate that.'

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