Chapter 33

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Siya's pov:

When the doctor told me that I was pregnant, I felt like my world had stopped. It was like everything else around me faded away, and all I could see was Zian. And I could see the emotions playing across his face. At first, there was a look of confusion, as if he couldn't quite believe what he had just heard. But as the news began to sink in, his expression changed to one of pure joy. I watched as a smile spread across his face, and I knew that he was just as happy as I was. We hugged each other tightly, and I could feel his arms around me, holding me close. At that moment, I knew that we were in this together and that we would face whatever came our way as a team. I looked up at him, and I could see the love in his eyes. I knew that they were about to embark on a journey that would change our lives forever, but I was ready for it. I was ready to be a mother, and I was ready to share this experience with the person I loved most in the world.

I came to my parents house when I sat across from my parents, I could feel my heart racing. At first, there was a look of confusion on their faces, as if they couldn't quite believe what they were hearing. But as the news began to sink in, their expressions changed to ones of pure joy. They hugged me tightly, and I could feel the tears in their eyes. At that moment, I knew that they were just as happy as I was. I could feel the weight of their expectations lifting off my shoulders. We talked for hours, sharing stories and advice, and I could feel the love and support radiating from them. I knew that they would be there for me every step of the way and that they would be the best grandparents any child could ask for. As I left my parent's house that night, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.


The sun cast a warm, golden hue over the tranquil morning on the 26th of March. As I glanced out of the window, a sense of serenity washed over me, calming the turbulence that often accompanied my pregnancy mood swings. My growing belly served as a constant reminder of the life blooming within me, but it also came with its share of challenges, as my dear husband was about to discover.

He entered the room with a bright smile, carrying a tray laden with a sumptuous breakfast. "Good morning, Siya. I made your favorite pancakes," he said, placing the tray gently on the bedside table.

I offered him a grateful smile as I settled against the pillows, propping myself up comfortably. "Thank you, Zian. You always know how to make mornings special."

He chuckled and sat down beside me, his eyes filled with affection. "Anything for my two favorite people."

As I took a bite of the pancakes, I couldn't help but notice his expectant gaze. He seemed eager to strike up a conversation, perhaps about something that had been on his mind lately.

"So," he began, his tone carefully casual, "how are you feeling these days?"

I sighed softly, placing my fork down and meeting his gaze. "Honestly? I'm a mix of emotions. There are moments of joy and anticipation, but then there are these sudden waves of frustration or sadness that I can't explain."

He nodded empathetically. "I can only imagine how challenging that must be for you."

"It's not easy," I admitted, my voice tinged with vulnerability. "It's like my emotions are on a rollercoaster, and I'm just trying to hold on."

He reached out and took my hand, his touch reassuring. "I'm here for you, every step of the way. Just remember, we're in this together."

A tear welled up in my eye as I squeezed his hand. "I know, and I appreciate that more than I can express."

He leaned in and gently brushed a kiss against my forehead. "I love you, no matter what mood you're in."

A bittersweet smile curved my lips. "I love you too."

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