Chapter 20

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Siya's pov:

I woke up in the soft glow of the morning sun, feeling the warmth of its rays caress my skin. As I shifted slightly, Zian's arms tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to him in a loving embrace. His sleepy voice, tinged with desire, reached my ears like a sweet melody, making my heart flutter.

"Don't leave me," he whispered huskily, his words sending shivers down my spine. He nuzzled into my neck, his breath sending a rush of warmth through my body. At that moment, I knew there was nowhere else I'd rather be than in his arms.

With a soft smile, I turned towards him, gazing into his eyes that were still heavy with sleep. There was an unmistakable tenderness in his gaze, an unspoken promise of love and devotion that made my heart swell with affection.

"I could never leave you," I replied softly, my voice filled with love and sincerity. "You are the anchor of my soul, the light of my life, and the reason for my every smile. You complete me in ways words cannot fathom."

His arms around me tightened, and I could feel the rhythm of his heartbeat against my chest. It was as if our hearts were dancing in harmony, bound together by an eternal bond. I ran my fingers through his hair, savoring the softness of it, as I let my love flow through every touch.

"You are my sanctuary," I whispered, my lips brushing against his forehead. "In your arms, I find solace, comfort, and a love so profound that it defies all explanation."

He shifted slightly, pulling me even closer, our bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. I feel his hot breath come closer to my neck, his lips moving to my neck, peckering the soft skin that played part there. His lips move slowly and flawlessly, kissing the crook of my neck. I lean my head to the side, giving him more access.
His body moves even closer to mine, one of his hands roaming around my waist and the other in my hair, moving it to one side. His lips get hungrier, biting and sucking at the skin, making me bite my lip. I feel a smile form on his lips against my jawline just as a throated moan escapes my mouth. The feeling of his lips against my skin feels like heaven and this moment just don't want it to stop. He moves to my jaw, leaving butterfly kisses up to the bottom of my ear. earning a gasp from my lips encouraging him to go on. His lips found mine in a gentle and passionate kiss, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. In that kiss, I felt the depth of his emotions, the intensity of his love, and the unwavering commitment that bound us together.

As we broke the kiss, I looked deep into his eyes, knowing that we were two souls intertwined, destined to share a lifetime of love and happiness. With each passing day, our love grew stronger, and our connection deeper.

In that tender moment, we held each other close, knowing that our loyalty was a force beyond comprehension. It was a love that had weathered storms and basked in sunny days, a love that had grown stronger with each passing year.

As the morning light bathed us in its glow, we basked in the warmth of our affection, knowing that with each new day, our journey together would be filled with, passion, and a devotion that would stand the test of time.

Zian's Pov:

I was working in the office when I got a call from Pihu. I received it, "hello bhai bhabhi has fainted in the washroom and her head is bleeding, we are taking her to the hospital," she tensely told me, I was shocked to hear about Siya. I immediately took the car key from the table and went towards the hospital.

When I reached the hospital I saw Siya was unconscious. And mom and Pihu were with her. I started asking both of them "How did this happen,"

Pihu replied, "Bhai bhabhi and I were cleaning her wardrobe when she said is going to the washroom, I was waiting for her when I heard her scream, so I went to see, as I opened the door, bhabhi was lying there unconscious."

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