Chapter 9

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Zian's pov:

I run my hands over the three journals that were kept on the table and opened the first one.

Dear Diary,
2011, July 1,
The day I first saw him, I know I'm just 14 but crushes can happen anytime, right, His face was a study in contrasts, a perfect balance of sharp angles and soft curves. His cheekbones were high and defined, casting deep shadows that only served to highlight the delicate curve of his jawline. His lips were full and expressive, always ready to turn up in a smile or purse together in thought. But it was his eyes that truly captivated me, a deep, piercing black that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. They were framed by long, dark lashes that brushed against his cheeks when he looked down, and they sparkled with a combination of intelligence, wit, and a hint of mischief. Even though he was only 18 years old, there was a sense of depth and maturity in his gaze, a sense that he had seen and experienced more than his years would suggest. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but be struck by the beauty of his face, the way that each feature seemed to complement and enhance the others. It was a face that was both strikingly unique and universally appealing, a face that would be remembered long after he had left the room.

Today It was his birthday and my cousin Trisha invited me to go with her to his birthday party, he is her new friend, it was held in a restaurant, neither her parents nor mine know that we are going there, haha. If they got to know they won't allow us, the party is in the evening, so she told them that we are going to the coaching, and nobody will get to know about it. It was this day when he first said my name, I can still hear the way he pronounced it, As soon as he called my name, I felt my heart skip a beat. I had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity, and now it was finally happening. I turned to face him, my eyes locking with his in a moment of perfect clarity. It was as if time had stopped, and we were the only two people in the world. I couldn't believe that after all this time, he was finally acknowledging my existence. As he smiled at me, I felt my cheeks flush with heat. All of my doubts and insecurities melted away in that moment, leaving only the purest form of joy and excitement. I knew that this was just the beginning of something incredibl and that I was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

Probably my most interesting day to write about Is this The Zian Deshmukh, you remember a while back when I told you that I only liked fictional men but here I am having a crush on a real person.

I was arranging my school bag for tomorrow's class. I know that it sounds weird but it's just something I do not like to do, I don't know why they give us the timetable when they want us to add extra books so that if they get the time they might teach us.

This morning when I was on my way to school, I saw him going to school in his car, he was sitting in the back seat, with his sister next to him.

On his birthday I didn't talk to him I only wished him, a happy birthday, he was busy with his friends and talking with Trisha, but it looked like in a short time they became good friends.

I reached my school and met Trisha, she and I are soulmates, we did our daily classes then we went to eat ice cream as it's so hot here, Trisha told me that Zian is studying in one of the best schools in the city. That's what all happened today, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
-- Siya

I closed the diary when I heard the water stopped flowing, and kept it back on the table. I saw her coming out of the bathroom her hair was wet, and she was wearing a green Anarkali and a nuptial chain, was on her neck.

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