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It is morning, the sun is slowly dawning upon us. There's an eerie feeling in the air. I am unsettled. I was outside in the barn, grooming and feeding the horses.

I have one horse in particular that I take a shine to more than others. His name is Buckley. He's a lovely pure white horse with a few grey speckles throughout his Maine.

He was a good boy, one of the more tame of the herd. I rub up and down his muzzle, to which he snorts and grunts in delight. My lips slightly upturn.

"Here boy" I hold out my free hand that wasn't being used to pet him to offer him the apple that was in it.

He gently takes it out of my palm with his mouth and chews away happily.
"Once all this mess is over we'll go for a run. Okay boy?"

When I can't sleep I either go for drives or tend to the animals on our land. I love animals which is ironic since I'm a wolf and have grown up around animals basically.

Maybe I have a better admiration and excitement for animals since I have no wolf. My animal side is non existent but my love for them is strong. Animals keep better company than people.

Well depends on what kind of animal we're talking if it's a spider then I have no compassion I hate them and I am afraid of them.

I'd rather have a shot gun held to my head than be in the same room as those hairy legged freaks.

I haven't heard from Matteo yet, it's been a week along since he left with our chosen volunteers. I wonder what is happening.

I guide Buckley back into his stable after cleaning it out and putting in fresh stacks of hay and some water.

I head out of the barn and look to the orange sky. North. Something was telling me to go North of the Forrest.

I sniffed the air and smelt something unfamiliar. The smell wasn't the nicest but it didn't give me a bad vibe.

I take off running in the direction of North my curiosity and anxiousness taking over in me. If it was a threat I could deal with it now and everyone will be safe. It doesn't feel like that though. I trust my intuition a lot.

I stop where the trees align more making the area dark and dingy yet still beautiful. Something catches my eye. It's like a sparkle.

I gasp "no way"

A small ball of pale light was floating in the air a little past the tree line into the creepy Forrest. In the dark it shined to bright.

There's an old folk lore which actually humans and werewolves both have in common. In our world these entities are known as will-o'-the-wisp are said to be the ghosts of past werewolves chosen by the goddess to roam the earth and protect others with their light and guidance. Nobody knew if it was actually true though, some have said to have seen them and others believe it is just a story.

I rubbed my eyes and looked back at the wisp only it was gone. I begin to laugh "I knew I was just seeing things, oh Hadley girl you need a vacation and a fat ass nap"

I walk further into the depths of gloominess and keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. My eyes are good to see in the dark so I carefully check my surroundings as I continue, checking behind my back every four to five seconds.

I stop when I see another ball of light in the distance, another wisp. I repeat the process of rubbing my eyes but this time when I look up the light is still there, wavering in the air.

I walk toward the light unafraid as it didn't feel threatening. I almost felt like I had the goddess by my side, looking at this ghostly creature.

When I got close enough I could hear it's little high pitched voice. No actual words came out but I could tell it was talking in its own way.

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