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E V E R Y O N E W A S G E T T I NG ready to start the festivities with Christmas. December 25th was always a day to celebrate for me, it was the day I was given my freedom. My Independence Day if you will.

Christmas is always a big celebration in our community or my pack should I say.

My pack consisted of over three hundred wolves, all of which lived in Clementine Valley. Each had their own house, far away from the farm but still on the land.

If they chose however to stay in my underground bunker then they are more than welcome to. We have plenty of rooms and facilities down here.

It's more of a luxurious mansion that has been constructed and renovated underground, that's what I was going for. Cost me millions but it was worth it.

It's extra protection for me and my people, not that we need it as we are undefeatable.
Many of the Divine stay in my bunker, and some even sleep in the main house of Clementine Valley.

I work alongside humans who are stationed around the world, they do not get invited to Clementine Valley however, I don't trust them enough. I also don't do any business with any alphas or packs bar one. Marcel. He's alpha to the blood moon pack which resides on the continent of Nobrai. It's not far off from my old pack which resides on the continent Oruth.

Luckily enough for me my residence which is on the continent Ivroa is far off from Oruth. I'm more Europe way while Oruth and Nobrai are more America way. Ivroa was wide open spaces and small towns rather than big cities.

I walk along my red carpet covered hallway until i reach a large wooden door which automatically swings open with a tiny creek upon my presence. The grand dining room is fairly lit with candles and oil lamps, as well as an open fire at the fire place.

The dark horse chestnut dining table was exceedingly long and glossy, covered with autumn type decorations such as brown and red maple leaves in a garland all round the table. Each person at the table had a red cloth napkin which held silver cutlery and a red and silver Christmas cracker. A small tea-light in a red sparkled holder was also given to each seated at the table.

I counted fifteen bodies as i made my way over to my seat at the head of the table, Matteo sat close to my right and Arlo to my left. Next to Arlo was Chrissida and next to Matteo was Dakota. The rest seated were few warriors and guards.

We were all the mateless gang, no love to share with a partner at Christmas, or a family. So we spend it together rather than spending it alone. Other pack members are welcome but prefer to spend it at home with their mates and children.

I slide into my large cushioned chair and look at all my family gathered around the table. A waiter rushes over to me with a bottle of red wine and pours me a small glass which displeases me. He stops pouring and i nod my head at the wine glass, ushering him to fill it to the brim, to which he does.

He makes his way around the table, pouring one glass after another. Then disappears through a heavy wooden door which leads to the kitchen and wine cellar. I pick up my glass and raise it in the air, looking upon my small gathering of close friends and workers.

"It's nearly Christmas day, and not long after that we will be bringing in the new year. I want to tell you all that it's been a hard year for us all, some more than others-" I stop my sentence and look to Dakota; she lost her sister earlier this year after a job that went wrong. "I always tell people when joining my community that you have to be prepared for anything, your going to have a target on your back, your loved ones in danger. It's a hard life but it comes with the reward of freedom. Free to do whatever you please, do what makes you happy. If i can provide that for you then i'm glad, all i ask for in return is your loyalty and your hard work. Each and everyone of you here tonight and even those who are not, have proven that to me, have shown me what you can bring to my empire and for that i'm proud to call it our empire. So everyone i ask that you please raise your glasses for one another and all the effort you have put in this year to make us stronger and better than others. Be proud of yourselves, one another, and let's get absolutely shitfaced tonight" I state in a powerful manner.

"Here here" Matteo's voice booms throughout the grand hall. Everyone begins cheering and smiling. Clinking glasses can be heard and laughter erupts. I smile in awe at my gang, i had so much respect for these people. Many think i'm a hard bastard which is true, i am when i have to be. But right here, right now i was happy and didn't need to put up a guard or a mask.

Arlo leans over to me "How drunk are you?"

My eyes turn into slits "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Relax little miss" Arlo chuckles "i'm only pulling your leg. It was a good speech, your best yet i reckon"

I take a sip of wine, my eyes relaxing slightly "Thank you"

He smirks and turns to Chrissida, making small talk with her. They were somewhat close and since he trusted her, so did i. Chrissida is twenty eight years old, she's quite young compared to the rest of us excluding Dakota who is also twenty eight.

Matteo matches ages with me at forty but Arlo is slightly younger at thirty four. Hence why Matteo and me are just that extra bit closer, but we both still love Arlo to bits and carry lots of respect for him.

Everyone begins chattering away to one another while waiting on dinner to be served. I sit back and observe each and every person at my table, stopping at Matteo and letting my eyes rest on his as he observes me.

Honestly sometimes we act like a couple who are so in love but in reality it's far from the truth. We love one another yes, but it's a different kind of love. He isn't my mate and i wouldn't dare take him away from his; if he ever finds her.

"So" i begin "i'm flying to Paris tomorrow, going to see an old friend. Would you like to come with me?" i ask him.

i've been back and fourth to Paris many a times but i always travelled there alone and since Matteo has been begging me to take him with me for quite sometime now i figured this would do as a great christmas present.

He nods his head eagerly, his eyes lighting up like a christmas tree and his big grin like a kid at christmas, how fitting.

"I would love to accompany you madam" He leans over and kisses me on the cheek which i accept and tilt my lips a little in his direction as if i'm giving one back.

"And what about me?" I hear a sarcastic voice ask. i look over to Arlo who's eyebrows are raised in expectance of an answer.

i shrug "You'll stay here and hold the fort" i sip my wine

Matteo full on has a laughing fit at this and i almost smirk myself. I love Arlo but he is a pain in the ass when we go away, he doesn't understand that not every trip is a holiday and a lot of the time it's about work.

Also because i have no one else here to look after the place, no one else i trust. I move toward Arlo and place a fat peck on his lips "Merry christmas honey bun"

Matteo and the others who were listening into the conversation begin to giggle and Arlo just sits staring into space, his face bewildered.

I look at matteo "Merry christmas sugar plum"


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