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I A M   C U R R E N T L Y sitting in my office with Matteo, brainstorming, chatting about what we were going to do. Alpha Marcel was in his room for the night.

We managed to pick twenty five volunteers both mix of divines and wolves, male and female.

My hands rub my face in a stressed manor. I was anxious to say the least.

"Well at-least that's sorted" Matteo chirps.

My feelings begin to grow angry. This Marcus going around raping females and killing off their mates for fun it infuriates me.

"I can see your thinking deeply, what is it?" He questions me.

"I can't stop thinking about Marcus. I mean imagine one moment your going by your normal everyday life to then watching your family getting slaughtered and females raped right in front of your very eyes. It's so callous. I mean I just keep thinking about if it was me in that situation"

"Yeah I know what you mean it's horrendous to think about. But, we can rest easy knowing we are helping to stop this monster huh?"

My eyes snap to Matteo's "I never rest easy. An easy life is resting easy, a hard life is barely any sleep at all. I always have so much going on. God I'd love to see the little fucker die at my behest"

My voice seethes. It's as though all of a sudden the actions and crimes this male is making have hit me all at once.

Females will be traumatised, possibly pregnant and mateless. We don't have such a thing as abortions in our community because it's unheard of to have children outside of mateship.

"I feel for the poor women who will now carry those evil fuckers offspring, for the females who had to watch their mates die and suffer so much torture and for what? A laugh? Just because he can. No, I want to know that this man is going to be on this earth no longer" my index finger digs into my desk.

"I agree with you. I couldn't imagine if someone hurt you, or even picturing celestè in that position" my friend looks off to the window in a sort of daze. Picturing his words. Painting them as a reality.

"Oi" I warn and his head swiftly shifts back to me
"You need to be careful" I point my finger at him.

He scoffs "I don't know what your on about señorita"

"You do. Celestè's mate died years ago when her pack was destroyed. Yours is out there somewhere waiting, don't destroy what true happiness you could have for an infatuation with a pretty girl"

"She's your friend Hadley" he sounded disappointed in my statement.

"Yeah exactly. A good friend. Just like you are my blood brother and I want you to be responsible. Don't play with her and wait for the other half of your heart"

I lean across the desk and cover my palm over his chest. I pat it a couple of times and he looks at my hand.

He sighs in defeat "fine. I won't do anything with her. But I'm horny Amiga. I need to find some chicas"

I giggle "me too señor. Me fuckin too. Let's go"

I get up out of my chair and grab Matteo's hand. We exit the office and eventually out of the pack house to my car.

"Let's go out. Find some prey of our own" I tease as I open the car door.

"Or we could just–" he suggests and I wretch

"Your disgusting"

I slip into the drivers seat and he chuckles "just an idea"

"Yeah well keep it to yourself and keep it in your pants I don't want to catch HIV off of you"

I put the clutch down and press the start engine button.

"Hey! I do not have any STD's thank you very much I'm all clean down there. Your the one with the crabs"

My head snaps to him "that was one time, not my fault and we agreed not to mention it again okay. I got everything sorted"

He laughs again and we set off out of Clementine Valley.

We made it to a nightclub called Sorsha's, why it's called that I have no idea it's not one of mine. Owned by a friend that I do a little business with from time to time.

We enter the club and swiftly make our way to the dance floor. I sway to the music a little and Matteo dances like he has actual pinching crabs in his pants. It's weird and a total turn off.

But low and behold some desperate female finds his awful dancing attractive and pulls him into a deep tongue tied kiss.

All of a sudden my mood switches. I'm no longer in the mood for sex or alcohol or anything of the sort. I just want to go for a drive and clear my head.

I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and shoot Matteo a text telling him I've left and I'll send a car to pick him up whenever he hollers me.

I make a quick exit out of the crowded building and get to my car, slipping into the drivers seat.

It's slightly chilly outside so I set the heater on and sit for a minute to let the car heat up. I turn on the radio and a song I have never heard before comes on. 0800 heaven.

As soon as it plays I know it's gonna be my new favourite song that I will play over and over until I can never listen to it ever again because I'm sick to death of it.

Before driving off I add the song to my phones playlist so I can put it on once it's finished on the radio.

I put my car into first gear and head out of the parking lot and onto the dark quiet streets of Madeira.

There's a gang that runs this old town, it has deep roots within it. I do a little business with the leader who before starting his gang was an MI5 special intelligence officer.

Clutch down, second gear. Getting some speed. Then into third. I drive towards the towns border to the country side, passing by a 'thank you for driving safe in Madeira' sign.

It's only trees that surround me now and long stretches of country road. Clutch down, fourth gear and then finally fifth.

I like to drive manual cars because it takes more concentration and less overthinking from my misery and stress.

It's relaxing at night but during the day it's a bitch when your stuck in traffic or on busy streets.

I want to find a highway that I can really let loose on. A big strip of road so I can go as fast as I want, with country roads there's too many twists and bends.

My speed was reaching about 80MPH at this point and my foot keeps pushing down further. I could wrap around a tree right now and not give a fuck.

There was too much going on now in my life. I just want a little bit of piece. I need a vacation from everyone.

I have to head back soon and gather my volunteers and ship them out at dawn with Marcel.

God I hope nobody dies...


Vincent's Betrayal Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora