《 Chapter 15: A Madness to Their Methods 》

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In New Yoke, a portal opens and the mothership flies through it. Dread hangs on to the side as the wind picked up speed.

"This be more than I bargained for!" he grunted out.

Suddenly, he slips and flies off. Sonic and Gwen watches in horror.

"Dread?" Sonic called.

"Dread!!!" Gwen called.

She lets go and heads after him. Sonic lets go as well. Dread and Gwen fall side by side and Gwen gets a hold of his hand and spins around and throws Dread who lands on a building roof. Gwen uses her firebending to rocket herself toward the roof Dread landed on and lands safely behind him. Sonic, not so lucky, falls into a dumpster.

"Yuck!" he groaned out in disgust.

"Huh?" Dread grunted and growled, looking ahead at mothership.

"Me beauty." he growled, glaring.

"Really? Not even a thank you for saving your hide?" Gwen sassed, placing a hand on her hip.

Dread turns and yelps to see her.

"Oh, uh... hey..."

Gwen growls, glaring at Dread. He chuckles nervously, backing away.

"Right. Yer upset about the whole shard incident. But look on the bright side. Ye saved me hide. Once we take the shard back, the Chaos Council won't stand a chance against us. Gwen and Dread saves the day."

Gwen punches Dread, causing him to fall down from the roof. He screams and lands into a pile of the broken part Eggforcers.

"Good grief!" Dread exclaimed.

She jumps down after him to see him trying to take the trash can off his head.

"Ye try to do somebody a favor, and they..."

Gwen throws a head of an Eggforcer at Dread, hitting him.


"A favor?!!" she exclaimed in disbelief and started throwing more trash and parts of the Eggforcers at him. "That shard was from the part of the Paradox Prism! It came from my home and then shattered into pieces thanks to Sonic's carelessness!"

"Well, maybe it's a miracle it came here." Dread said nervously, peeking from the body of an Eggforcer.

He quickly ducks down as Gwen throws a robot arm at him.

"Keep still!" she grunted.

"Can we just about this?" Dread asked, backing away.

Gwen stomps toward him and summons out her bow and arrow from her ruby necklace. She pulls the arrow from the bow and readies her aim.

"Miracle, beauty, or not, or whatever, that shard was going to..."

She begins shooting arrows at Dread who quickly grabs the damaged Eggforcer as a shield.


He skids back as more arrows hit his shield.


The last arrow nearly prick his cheek as it zooms past him.


Dread waits for another hit and opens his eyes to realize that she's gone after that last hit. He places the Eggforcer down and walks through the alleyway, looking around. He eventually finds her sitting on the ground at the end of the alley, sad and depressed with her knees up to her face. Dread gets concerned and walks to Gwen.

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