《 Chapter 5: Unwelcome to the Jungle 》

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Gwen falls from the hole in the sky and sees a branch and quickly lands on top of it. She looks around, spotting unfamiliar things once again.

"Where am I now?" she said, not noticing her bangs has another color strand, which is green as she scratched her head.

She suddenly felt something bushy and soft on her head as she wears a flower crown and her quills are curled then she looks down to see her no longer wearing gloves as she's barehanded. She also sees her boots changed to leaf boots. But what shocked her the most is that she's wearing leaf, bushy-like skirt that's a little too high and a strapless jaguar bra. Gwen screamed in horror and embarrassment as her face turned pink. She quickly covered her stomach and private area and looked around for anything to cover herself. Making sure no one was looking, she skillfully slide down from branches to branches until she lands on the wooden deck. More deck sit in old bare trees and bright sunlight.

Gwen looks around the area and down to the tree canopy while wondering where her brother is. As if her prayer was answered, she heard Sonic's scream and ran over to see Sonic running away from the bat, echidna, and a cat as he leaps through branches, dodging the throwing spears.

"Oh, no..."

Gwen was about to pull out her weapon when the green band around her wrist moves on its own and turns into a grass sword.

Gwen was about to pull out her weapon when the green band around her wrist moves on its own and turns into a grass sword

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She immediately chases after them to rescue her brother. Meanwhile, the bat chases Sonic with her spear as Sonic avoids her. On a deck, the echidna and a cat throw spears as Sonic dodges and swings on the vine around the branch. He leaps to other branches and then swings on another vine as he screams along the way. He spins and lands on the deck and stumbles to the edge. He keeps his balance and ducks a spear. He looks down then faces his attackers.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait! I'm not the bad guy here. We're friends!"

Just as they're about to attack him, a Tarzan yell catches their attention and turns to see Gwen swinging on the vine towards them. They immediately throw spears at her when she slashes them off with her grass sword as each handles breaks in half, shocking them. The bat throws another spear at her when Gwen makes her grass sword turn back to a green band and catches the spear. She throws it back and catches Sonic as they swing away from the attackers. Sonic's eyes lit up to see her.


"Sonic! What's going on? What did you do?" Gwen said, slashing off more flying spears with her grass sword.

"I didn't do anything! And... what are you wearing?" Sonic asked, looking at her funny.

She turns pink.

"Don't ask! It just happened! Not my doing!"

"Okay... But I realized something."


Sonic and Gwen landed on another deck and spin away before the attackers could act. Gwen catches the spears again that was thrown at them and throws it back to them almost straight to their head as they dodge it.

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